This question has been around for a while but I’m curious as to your answer

  • @LemmyKnowsBest
    10 months ago

    Do you have other sociopathic traits which cause you to thoughtlessly selfishly behave in ways that disturb others/wake people up with heart attacks/wake up sleeping babies/cause noise pollution, for your own pleasure? Do you feel like silence is an uncomfortable void that must always be filled? Do you not realize that silence is the neutral mode in which we all live peaceably, and when silence is broken it’s best done purposefully & meaningfully, not obnoxious & intrusive & selfish? Who wants to hear your music? YOU do. No one else does.


    • @TK420
      210 months ago

      That’s against the law so no.

      • @LemmyKnowsBest
        -210 months ago

        What’s against the law? Wearing headphones? You’re the only one who wants to hear your music. Wear headphones.

        • @TK420
          210 months ago

          You are a stupid fuck that doesn’t listen. It’s against the law to wear headphone while driving. What the fuck is your problem?

          • @LemmyKnowsBest
            -110 months ago

            Keep your car music at a volume that only you can hear. Nobody else wants to hear it. And if you wear headphones while driving, at least that will get you thrown in jail or suspended driver license so society will be better without people like you out there.

            • @TK420
              210 months ago

              No, but thanks for the suggestion fuck face.