This question has been around for a while but I’m curious as to your answer

    • rhsJack
      2828 days ago

      …damn it. You win the entire thread.

    • @[email protected]
      727 days ago

      I would be so curious to see what the player counts of different games were during the 24 hours. Sometimes it feels like there are almost no women playing games, because they (understandably) never use mic

  • muse
    14828 days ago

    Go jogging at night and not worried about being attacked.

    Or for anyone who gets pissy at that, idk, get mauled by a bear i guess

    • @[email protected]
      6228 days ago

      I’m pissy about it but because it’s a valid concern, and you should be able to jog at night.

      I can walk my dog at night in a rough neighborhood but my wife feels its to risky for her to leave the complex. That sucks and I wish our society was better.

    • RubberDuck
      1328 days ago

      Get mauled by a bear… gold! Have my up vote

    • @[email protected]
      427 days ago

      As a man, I still would not go jogging at night because that’s just generally unsafe. That’s how you get mugged, regardless of sex.

  • andrew
    8028 days ago

    Chilling with bears, if I understand recent events correctly.

      • @themusicman
        3328 days ago

        Viral hypothetical “would you rather spend a night in the woods with a bear or a man”. Toxic men getting butthurt when women chose the bear

        • @[email protected]
          28 days ago

          That entire question was just pure rage bait from the start, without even resulting in any useful data

          To whoever asked the question in the first place, I congratulate you for comming up with the perfect rage bait question.

          • @[email protected]
            1428 days ago

            That entire question was just pure rage bait

            Isn’t that the point though? The fact that the question was asked and rather than think “shit, could we be better?”, some men are literally seething with anger about it?

            • @[email protected]
              27 days ago

              I imagine that black men view the question as particularly insulting

              Because we live in a country that already perceives black men as animals.

              So seeing so many women recently affirm that perception likely is extremely isolating. Because this is the sort of ideology that gets black men murdered

              • @[email protected]
                527 days ago

                why would black men find a thread full of comments about women fearing for their safety to be insulting?

                • @[email protected]
                  27 days ago

                  Because white tears cause black scars. As Emmitt Till found out

                  When men are seen as threats, this translates into the murder of men, particularly those who are in national minority groups. Black, brown, immigrant, Muslim, etc men are threatened by this type of discourse, at least within the United States

                  Which is kind of what BLM was all about - that black men are just people and are not dangerous super predators like many white people, including white women, seem to think

              • @[email protected]
                -327 days ago

                America might see black men as animals, but I don’t think the UK is quite there yet. Also, the question doesn’t mention race or skin tone, so I’m not sure how we got there.

                • @[email protected]
                  27 days ago

                  The UK does not have a good history on race. Or on welcoming immigrants. Hence Brexit. And, also, the entirety of the British Empire.

                  The human brain has an ability to understand implicit narratives without a thing needing to be explicitly stated. If you ask a person to imagine a dangerous and strange man, I very much doubt that most Western people are honestly going to imagine a man that is white. Which is what this question is actually all about

            • @[email protected]
              -728 days ago

              I get what you mean, but mostly disagree, the options given as the answer is too broad.

              I mean, if the man was in the forest to pick berries, and focusing on that and the bear was a female bear with cubs, the situation is completely different from a man wearing a mask and sunglasses staring at the woman and a black bear crossing the path to go and sleep.

              The question is too generic to draw any usable conclusions from.

              The best response to seeing the answers would have been for men to just ignore it, or say that they are sad to learn the results but that the question is mostly meningless

                • @[email protected]
                  627 days ago

                  This is still a purely theoretical choise, and since they won’t face any immediate consequences from their response, they might as well use the question for their own shock factor to try and make a point.

                  I wonder if all women who actually had to choose between getting into a forrest alone with a bear nearby or get into a different forrest alone with a man nearby would actually pick the bear.

                  But I hope that no one ever has to make this choice.

          • @MudSkipperKisser
            428 days ago

            I googled “congestulate” to see if there was any chance that was an actual word

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            627 days ago

            I would take any human over a fucking bear. It’s a bear. It is far more adapted to the woods than I am. At least with another human I have some chance. Jesus how are you people not terrified of a animal thathas claws, can climb trees, can outrun you, is stronger than you, and is a predator when presumably you would have nothing resembling a weapon on you.

            • @Cocodapuf
              -227 days ago

              The difference is, the bear doesn’t want to attack you.

              • @Cryophilia
                127 days ago

                You don’t know that.

                You also don’t know the man does want to attack you.

        • eltimablo
          -928 days ago

          It’s toxic to not want to be treated like a monster for something I didn’t do?

          • The Dark Lord ☑️
            4028 days ago

            Women were talking about men in general. Some men took it as though they specifically were being targeted. If women don’t feel comfortable running alone at night because men can be predators, men in general should listen. When I hear that, I don’t take offence. I’m with you, I’ve never done anything. But we should be trying to figure out ways that women can feel more comfortable around men. Women shouldn’t need to feel like they have their guard up, and listening is the first step.

            • @[email protected]
              -227 days ago

              If Christians don’t feel comfortable getting on a plane because Muslims can be terrorists, Muslims in general should listen.

            • @Nibodhika
              -428 days ago

              Whites were talking about blacks in general. Some black people took it as though they specifically were being targeted. If white people don’t feel comfortable running alone at night because blacks can be predators, black people in general should listen. When I hear that, I don’t take offence. I’m with you, I’ve never done anything. But we should be trying to figure out ways that whites can feel more comfortable around blacks. Whites shouldn’t need to feel like they have their guard up, and listening is the first step.

              Every time you hear a claim about women/men replace with white and blacks, if you sound like a racist asshole, then you’re being a sexist asshole. This also applies for other stuff, including just reverting roles, if just by doing that you’re able to make your argument sound straight from the KKK, you know it’s a bad argument.

              That’s not to say that women shouldn’t feel like that, or that there isn’t a problem in our society, but the same can be said about white/black situation. The difference is that most people (at least non racist assholes) understand that a higher criminality among black people has nothing to do with their skin tone, and is instead a consequence of historical factors perpetuated by social injustice, so they understand why generalized statements such as the one you made are problematic. But with the men/women people in general think it’s different, they think that men are inherently more violent or whatever, so their broad statements get less judgement, let’s not forget that up until recently that was also the general consensus about race as well.

              In short if you do broad generalizations like that you ARE being an asshole, and people will feel attacked. And what’s worse is that those people are more likely to then align with someone who opposes your views which oftentimes means right wing Nazis just because they’re not attacking them.

              • @[email protected]
                728 days ago

                lol that doesn’t make any sense. Why would you replace something with something completely different and expect it to work the same ?

                • @Nibodhika
                  727 days ago

                  Because at its core your argument is “group of people X feels threatened by group of people Y, but group Y should listen and not feel attacked if someone from group X tells them group Y is dangerous”. Replacing group X and Y by any group of people should give you an idea of why this is a bad argument. In other words I’m just applying analogical reasoning to your argument to showcase that in an analogous situation the same argument would be considered aggressive.

                  Granted, it’s not always possible to substitute groups, but if your counterargument is that the substitutions are not analogous you need to present evidence of why that is the case. In other words, why do you think this argument applies to women who are afraid of men but not to whites that are afraid of blacks.

            • eltimablo
              -1428 days ago

              I am listening, and what I’m hearing is that I, as an innocent person, am a source of terror for someone I’ve never met because of a fact of my biology that I have no control over. I have no ability to change the feelings of someone else, because no matter what, those feelings are only able to be changed by the person feeling them. I can say I’m innocent and not a threat until I’m blue in the face, I can act as non-threatening as I possibly can, I can leave women alone in public. None of that matters because I’m not the one with the power over those feelings.

              • @Clent
                2328 days ago

                You say you’re listening but all you’re hearing is how what is being said affects you.

                You appear to see yourself as a victim. This makes you more dangerous than a bear.

                The bear won’t take a women’s fear of it personally. It will want to avoid confrontation.

                You will definitely take it personal. You appear willing to confront them for their fear. You will demand they not be afraid of you, because you are innocent. The scenario is one of a thousand reasons they choose the bear.

                • eltimablo
                  -327 days ago

                  A bear isn’t trying to find a dating partner in a human woman…

                  You’re sick in the head if you think being depressed over being labelled an existential threat makes me dangerous.

              • The Dark Lord ☑️
                2228 days ago

                No. You’re not a source of terror. But people don’t know that. They just see a man. The issue isn’t with you, it’s with common experiences women have had with men.

                There are so many bears that don’t hurt humans. But humans carry bear spray just in case the one they encounter is dangerous.

                • eltimablo
                  -1828 days ago

                  The issue isn’t with you, it’s with common experiences women have had with men.

                  And that’s exactly the problem. I’m not those men. I have no intention of acting like those men. Yet I’m still scared that I’m going to get pepper sprayed anyway just for asking a woman for directions.

              • @[email protected]
                126 days ago

                Are you fucked in the head? I am a man and I take no insult to this. In fact I agree, I would also rather be in the woods with a bear than with a random man. Imagine it differently for a second to maybe gain some perspective. Would you rather spend the night in the forest or in jail with the scariest ass don’t drop the soap motherfuckers and no guards? That’s basically what this question is like for women. A bear is generally just going to ignore you.

          • @[email protected]
            1128 days ago

            You are taking the bait, this question was never about the actual answers, but rather the male response to being told that we men pose a risk to women, this question was just asked to generate responses from men, proving their point that men are angry and dangerous.

          • @[email protected]
            727 days ago

            No one thinks you’re a monster. We simply don’t know if you are one. Women’s safety is more important than your feelings, period.

            • @[email protected]
              -327 days ago

              Women’s safety is more important than your feelings, period.

              Which is how Emmitt Till was murdered

              Because this logic is mainly used to target and murder black and brown men, and always has been in the United States

            • @Cryophilia
              -227 days ago

              “It’s okay, you’re one of the good ones. Not like those uppitty n******.”

          • Rikudou_Sage
            -328 days ago

            Yes, you’re a man, so you should suffer because equality, hurr durr. And you’re a misogynist if you say something. And you’re a racist if you point out it’s the same as saying “black people are [insert stereotype here]”.

            Welcome to online interactions of the latest decade! Luckily I don’t encounter this hostility for having been born with a penis in real life, otherwise I’d probably just gone and killed myself, it’s unpleasant enough being the public enemy online.

            But hey, everything’s fair when it comes to revenge equality!

            • @[email protected]
              428 days ago

              The tables have turned my friend O.o

              But seriously I hardly notice this stuff, and females have historically been treated miserably

              • Ace! _SL/S
                328 days ago

                females have historically been treated miserably

                *People not born into wealth and power


                • @[email protected]
                  28 days ago

                  Yea like the brother never inherited the family business, and the brother was sold off to a rich older lady to marry, or the brother for goes university in place of his sister, the brother having a bastard child meant he was ostracized from the family and sent to a Catholic nunnery to learn the ways of god.

                  Women have historically been repressed through out many culture in history and even to present wealth be damned.

              • Rikudou_Sage
                -628 days ago

                So were men. And children. And everyone in between, unless they had money. We’re not living in a patriarchy and haven’t for quite a few millennia. It’s the rich ruling the poor.

  • athos77
    7928 days ago

    Take a long walk in the darkening woods. Sleep in the open on the beach. Go to a bar and get blackout drunk.

  • Fire Witch
    28 days ago

    Taking a nice looong relaxing walk downtown in my sluttiest outfit with my girlfriend

      • @Bearbie
        2727 days ago

        Because they’d w feel safe enough to and because they WANT TO.

        • @[email protected]
          -1527 days ago

          Hypothetically, if the person only liked men, is there even a point to wearing it anymore? Does it cease to even be “slutty” now?

          • @Bearbie
            1827 days ago

            Regardless of what sex they’re into, if they deem an outfit as “slutty” then it’s slutty.

          • @NegativeInf
            027 days ago

            Guess what, one can dress slutty for their own benefit. It doesn’t have to be in service of anyone or anything other than satisfying the vibe of the moment. Maybe it’s something they have always wanted to try without being the center of attention? Men are so fucked in the head sometimes.

            • @[email protected]
              1427 days ago

              No need for personal attacks, it was more of a philosophical question, like would the concept of slutty even exist in a practical way anymore if there weren’t any men left.

              Also I’m a woman

              • @LordKitsuna
                127 days ago

                I mean bisexual and lesbian women would still exist so I don’t see why the concept of being slutty wouldn’t.

                I’ll admit I don’t really understand the concept of wanting to dress a certain way but also not wanting anyone to look at you for it? Like, I give a very little fucks about what people think I have gone to the store in my robe (sweats and basic tshirt under) in the winter before. I know damn well people are looking at me and thinking I’m just some trashy bum for it but I don’t really give a fuck I’m doing it for me because it’s comfortable it doesn’t bother me in the slightest that they judge me for it, if anything they’re probably just jealous.

                And I feel like the same should extend to women that want to dress in revealing clothing, yeah some people are going to look at you for it. But why does that have to bother you? You’re doing it for you not them

            • @[email protected]
              627 days ago

              Yeah I agree with everything in this comment except for the unnecessary hostility in the last sentence.

              People can be slutty if they want. And people can judge you for being or appearing slutty if they want. It’s up to you to decide how to react to their opinions. If you want to dress slutty, then you shouldn’t care what people think about how you dress because you are just being you. And that’s not a matter of sex-- that’s a matter of self confidence. And you can’t blame your self confidence on other people, because at the end of the day you can’t change other people. You can either change yourself or empower yourself to resist change and forge your own path. It’s your choice.

  • Lvxferre
    4728 days ago

    I asked my sister and my mum this question.

    Sister: she’d be working as usual. Her only co-worker in their small biz is also a woman, so no issue. She asked about her male cats first, before asking about my nephew and BIL.

    Mum: she said that she’d be eating air fryer French fries and ice cream through the day and watching movies. She can’t be arsed to cook. (I’m usually the one cooking here.)

    • Lvxferre
      28 days ago

      I believe that less than it looks like.

      While only 5% of the pilots are women, flight attendants receive basic training for emergency situations, such as when the pilot is incapacitated. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them could actually land a plane in a life-and-death situation, or at least find a passenger who can.

      With buses the picture is a bit brighter. If I had to guess, 20% of the bus drivers around the world are female? And a missing driver doesn’t automatically spells your death - the bus might be going slow due to traffic, and a lot of people are able to at least step on a brake.

      EDIT: I’m genuinely curious about the downvotes. If I said something that is either factually wrong (false) or morally wrong (sexist, insensitive, etc.), feel free to point out, as I can’t guess anything based on downvotes alone.

      Alternatively, if the downvotes are due to a faulty reasoning, then please show the flaw.

      • Rikudou_Sage
        828 days ago

        Also, if you have a driver’s license, you probably know enough to safely stop a bus even if your license is for personal vehicles only. And while I don’t know the numbers, I’m pretty sure the percentage is much higher.

        • Lvxferre
          928 days ago

          Yup. The main concern in the bus situation is how suddenly the driver disappeared vs. reaction time of the passengers. If it’s sudden enough, and the bus is fast enough, even if all passengers were able to drive it, odds are that it’ll still crash.

      • @Aux
        627 days ago

        Flight attendants won’t be landing anything without flight controllers. Especially in busy airports like Heathrow. Even if you leave men pilots in place and only remove men traffic controllers, all the planes will crash.

      • @thawed_caveman
        527 days ago

        Yeah but what percentage of air traffic controllers are women? Those that are will have to coordinate a lot more landings than usual.

  • @Shelbyeileen
    3227 days ago

    Going for a topless walk on the beach at night! It’s the only time I’d feel safe enough to. I’ve been sexually harassed and assaulted enough, starting back when I was a little girl, to know I could never do that normally.

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      627 days ago

      I went swimming in the ocean at night once. I will never do that again.

        • @Shelbyeileen
          826 days ago

          Not OP, but a lot of creatures are more active at night and not being able to see them can be very unnerving; especially if they touch you.

  • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
    27 days ago

    Full hair and makeup, sparkly dress that shows a lot, go to a trendy bar with my friends and get blackout ass drunk without worrying about protecting my drink all night and knowing I can walk home by myself.

    In the morning I would nurse the hangover while ordering the biggest ass teddy 🐻 bear 🐻 that will fit through my door as a memento.

  • rawn
    2327 days ago

    Dress up, go out and to a bar all by myself, meet strangers without worrying about how to get rid of them later.

    Go to the nicest sauna in town, spa all day.

  • Alice
    2128 days ago

    I’m a crazy enough woman by myself so I’d lock myself in my apartment

  • @[email protected]
    28 days ago

    Feel like 24 hours is too little to do anything special with. Would have been a little more interesting question if the timespan would have been longer. A year?

    • @Fredselfish
      728 days ago

      Someone read Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Own King and just reverse the plot. I think women would handle a world without males a lot better.

      There is actually a Sliders episode that raised that question too and how such a society would function.