As there has been some interest in a live thread such as the ones on r/eurovision, here is the live thread for the first semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.
Sadly, I didn’t find any Lemmy equivalent to But as this community is still pretty small, I think refreshing the website once after each song should be okay.
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  • @Rolando
    10 months ago

    My tier list:


    • Ireland. Bambie Thug KILLS IT!! Outstanding song and choreography.
    • Croatia. Hype song, fun costumes.


    • Serbia. Generally don’t like ballads but this one was ok. Plus I dig her “look”
    • Lithuania. mid song but excellent performance
    • United Kingdom. Weak song but inventive performance.
    • Ukraine. The rapping is pretty good.
    • Poland. Weak song but once more, the staging is great.
    • Slovenia. Good voice. Song is ok.
    • Finland. Fun performance, song is a bit weak
    • Sweden. Hey, when school gets out, you want to go to the alley outside the club and do karaoke?
    • Azerbaijan. Mid song though I dig their clothes and the one guy’s ululations
    • Australia. Ok song.
    • Luxemburg. The best of the “mid” songs so far.


    • Cyprus. Not terrible, but unremarkable.
    • Iceland. Umm… The background lasers were nice I guess…
    • Germany. Lucky for them they already qualified lel.
    • Moldova. Graphics reminded me of a screensaver. The end where she played violin and sang in a high pitch was good, she should have done more of that
    • Portugal. The background dancers had some interesting moments in their choreography though