“We’ve almost got some of their telecommunications cracked; the front end even runs on a laptop!” The Mac that sunk a thousand ships could have been merely clunky product placement, not a bafflingly stupid tech-on-film moment.

“Senator Amidala is in a coma. Even if she recovers, she will never be the same and may not live long.” But no… George had to have his god-damned funeral scene, even if it demanded Simone Biles levels of mental gymnastics to save Carrie Fisher’s most emotionally resonant moment from ROTJ, as well as one of the more intriguing OT lore dumps.

Bonus points if a scene was scripted or filmed and got cut.

    • @samus12345
      310 months ago

      Yup. Chewie died in the novels, but Han did in the movies. Go figure.

      • Echo Dot
        10 months ago

        So what you’re saying is variant Star wars characters is going to be a thing?

        Disney owned the property now so it’s totally possible for the TVA to show up at some point. They may as well, It might actually make Star wars good again.

        • @samus12345
          210 months ago

          They made the whole novel timeline non-canon, so we won’t be seeing it unless they choose to pick characters from it like Pellaeon and Thrawn.

          • @Buddahriffic
            210 months ago

            Disney might have paid a bunch of money to get George Lucas to say they owned it, but as far as I’m concerned, they can only make their official Disney version of the universe and can’t unmake the rest.

        • AlexisFR
          110 months ago

          I’m pretty sure they’ll have to diverge the timeline if they want to make Ashoka s02 and Thrawn matter.