    5325 days ago

    They age gated the music video which limits the video getting surfaced in algorithms.

    • @CosmoNova
      2725 days ago

      Wouldn’t be the first time Youtube got trigger happy but there actually are real victims of violence in it so it makes sense according to Youtube’s own guidelines. It is a justified restriction. It really sucks how it prevents adults from seeing it, though. Fuck the algorithm.

    • @Death_Equity
      1225 days ago

      To be fair there is a presumably dead kid under rubble cause by Israeli bombs dropped on the civilian population and a kid who was injured by bombs dropped by Israel on people’s homes, not exactly something a child should see.

      If he hadn’t included those important images, he may have avoid age restriction so YouTube would have had to just shadow ban the video like they are often want to do with media that goes against their worldview.