They can’t prevent you using your skills to find and use at another job, but if you know how they make the flux capacitor you can’t sell that on the job interview.
IMO: If you helped make the flux capacitor you should be able to say that as job experience in order to negotiate a higher wage wherever you decide life takes you.
FTC just banned non-competes too.
I think noncompetes (when they used to exist) were pretty much always dissolved on layoffs.
Makes sense: If the company secrets were that valuable they wouldn’t’ve laid them off.
They usually bind your severance package to an NDA and/or non-compete.
Doubt non-compete was enforceable in the first place, though. NDA is still applicable for proprietary info
They can’t prevent you using your skills to find and use at another job, but if you know how they make the flux capacitor you can’t sell that on the job interview.
IMO: If you helped make the flux capacitor you should be able to say that as job experience in order to negotiate a higher wage wherever you decide life takes you.
NDA yeah - That’s totally normal and I had to sign one when I was laid off.