The move on Wednesday marks a U-turn in Ukraine’s approach on the matter. Kyiv had long opposed the measure and had repeatedly criticised Moscow for mobilising prisoners to fill its ranks.
Tsvily said he feared the creation of “special units” for mobilised soldiers would lead to abuse against prisoners.
“It’s like in Russia – redemption by blood. … Anyone willing to fight will be put in one unit and commanded like meat,” he said.
You did not even read my comment else you would know i’m not talking about new law but about the deerboy lying through his teeth to whitewash the ukronazis, as is his custom since he shown up here.
Also idk if they were taking rapists to be their cannon fodder, though the mere existence of reddit warriors there is a strong pointer they were, but they were confirmed to taking the rapists out of jail as their elites.
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They were jailed for atrocities in Donbas by Ukraine. Even Polish fucking wiki reports that but of course everything that do not agrees with your delusions gotta be a “ruskito” propaganda lol.
Ah yes, Wikipedia, the FREELY EDITABLE WEBSITE.
A crucial part in why Wikipedia is important is that it has good notation, some times good moderation, and it lists the sources.
How did Ukraine have convicts in the military before a solution for it was passed — just days ago?
I think like Putin, you’re having some confusion as to what’s Ukrainian and what’s Russian.
Calm down there ukrainazi