• @Daft_ish
    8 months ago

    I’m confused. The protests worked, right?

    Could there be an entire election on the line here with the possibility of all this back firing?

    Or are we just going to get ourselves more worked up?

    And let’s be clear. Joe didn’t move the goal post, he ran right through the one Palestine supporters had erected.

    (I’m not good at sports ball)

    • @dumpsterlid
      8 months ago

      Has the genocide of Palestinians stopped?

      I will vote for Biden when he genuinely stops the genocide, until that point I really don’t care what silly political posturing and shuffling around of bombs in warehouses and on logistics sheets Biden does. Even if we stop providing weapons right now of any kind, the entire apparatus of the IDF and indeed Israel itself is dependent on the US military industrial complex, the fact that Biden has not used that leverage to stop this genocide of Palestinians means he is complicit.

      Genocide is my red line, and if Biden is going to be windy washy about coming back over that red line don’t blame people like me for not being satisfied.

      • @enbyecho
        18 months ago

        It’s possible to be right about something (your take on the US complicity in Israel’s genocide") but also be completely wrong about how to stop it and the consequences of your response.

        Because if you want the killing to stop sitting out an election or refusing to vote for Biden is not going to work out for you. You will be complicit in the killing of women, transgender people, brown people and more. Because - and I really don’t think I’m being hyperbolic here - those are the consequences of a Trump administration.

        Far far worse is the simple fact that our chances of stopping Israel’s genocide go to zero under Trump. You think a Republican administration will stop it if you protest? At least with Biden you know it works and you know you can make a dent.

        • @dumpsterlid
          18 months ago

          Far far worse is the simple fact that our chances of stopping Israel’s genocide go to zero under Trump. You think a Republican administration will stop it if you protest? At least with Biden you know it works and you know you can make a dent.

          Why are you lecturing me about this? Stop wasting your breath on me.

          It is very simple, if Biden wants my vote and votes from people like me, he can stop the genocide in Palestine.


          • @enbyecho
            -18 months ago

            Why are you lecturing me about this? Stop wasting your breath on me.

            You have a peculiar conception of “lecturing”.

            But do you want me to stop saying these things because you are immune to reason? You cannot possibly change your mind, no matter the argument or facts presented? No matter that Biden is himself simply does not have the power to unilaterally stop Israel’s actions?

            I do have one simple question for you: What about the genocide that will happen under Trump? Do you prefer that? Do you prefer the murder of women, transgender people, gays and brown people over Palestinians?

            Because the choice is incredibly binary: Less killing under Biden or more killing under Trump.

            • @dumpsterlid
              28 months ago

              No matter that Biden is himself simply does not have the power to unilaterally stop Israel’s actions?

              He literally does, Israel cannot function as a state without an immense amount of US diplomatic cover, weapons, and fucktons of money.

              Biden can stop it right this genocide in a matter of minutes by calling up Netanyahu and telling him it is over, full stop. I am sorry but I will not vote for a candidate that behaves this way.

              • @enbyecho
                08 months ago

                Netanyahu just told Biden to take a hike. Thus, “full stop” disproving what you have said.

                I am sorry but I will not vote for a candidate that behaves this way.

                So you vote for genocide, just domestically.

                • @dumpsterlid
                  18 months ago

                  Netanyahu just told Biden to take a hike. Thus, “full stop” disproving what you have said.

                  Netanyahu will say whatever he wants on tv, the Israeli military industrial complex is utterly dependent upon the US military industrial complex. Netanyahu has no play here and everybody knows it except apparently Biden (or maybe he just doesn’t care I don’t know, it honestly doesn’t matter at the end of the day, action matters).

                  • @enbyecho
                    08 months ago

                    At this point you are just making shit up to justify your nonsensical position.

                    We can’t eliminate the US military industrial complex. We can limit the harm by putting pressure on an administration - and, crucially it is working to some degree. Do you honestly think you are going to be able to affect any change whatsoever if Trump gets elected? REALLY?

      • @WildPalmTree
        18 months ago

        I’m sure many people will tell you the same: not voting for Biden is the equivalent of voting for Trump. Play it out in your minds eye; explaining to your children why you voted for Trump.

      • @jumjummy
        08 months ago

        So you’ll do what instead? Vote for Trump? Not vote? Throw away your vote to a 3rd party? What a naive and dangerous viewpoint.

        Sad to see your “red line” isn’t electing a dictator, because that’s what will happen if Trump wins. Spare me any twisted logic of how that’s not what would happen in your scenarios.

        • @Snazz
          28 months ago

          Throw away your vote to a 3rd party?

          Isn’t this situation exactly when you should look to third parties? There is a large group of people who are dissatisfied with the policies of Biden and who absolutely do not want another term of Trump.

          If you vote for either of them, it sends the message that you condone their presidency. If you abstain from voting then it sends the message that you don’t care about government policy and therefore, policy won’t care for your interests.

          If you are a third party voter, aren’t the big parties incentivized to try and win your vote over for themselves?

          I’m probably going to vote for Biden, but you have to wonder at what point does this diametric system break down.

        • @dumpsterlid
          18 months ago

          So you’ll do what instead? Vote for Trump? Not vote? Throw away your vote to a 3rd party? What a naive and dangerous viewpoint.

          I am not the naive and dangerous person here, there isn’t anything I have to do or have to stop doing.

          Biden is the one who is directly enabling a genocide being committed by an “ally” that the US has an immense amount of material and political leverage over. Biden is the one throwing away his campaign because Israel getting unilateral ability to do and say whatever it wants is apparently more important to centrist democrats than winning elections (even though Netanyahu has continually spit in Biden’s face).

          Sad to see your “red line” isn’t electing a dictator, because that’s what will happen if Trump wins. Spare me any twisted logic of how that’s not what would happen in your scenarios.

          Spare me your liberal crocodile tears about how this is all progressives fault for having a red line at “genocide”. It is the job of a presidential candidate to convince voters to vote for them, in a normal election with a normal shitty centrist democrat candidate I would be fine helping them win even though they always shit on progressives helping get them elected the entire time.

          Nah, I’ll sit this one out, I’ll call Biden “Genocide Joe”, this has gone wayyyy too far and honestly the coalition of progressives with centrist democrats is kind of dead at this point. Y’all think we are going to show up to make the DNC’s grassroots fundraising and key canvassing in important states work? We are the ones with energy, with ideas, with policy knowledge, and Biden just put us in a position where we have to violate our morals at a serious level to do the work to get Biden elected and guess who’s fault that is?

          Guess who has the power to remedy this schism among Democratic voters?

          It isn’t me.

      • @Daft_ish
        8 months ago