Have a win 7 mouseless laptop I’d like to put a game on and play for funs. Typically my go to game for olden computers is Heroes of Might and Magic 3 or maybe Civ 4. Any recommendations?

Diablo2, WC3, and RTSs would be tricky because lack of mouse and I’d prefer no rush to my actions so I can simultaneously be coding and just do minibreaks taking a turn or part of a turn here and there

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    The more modern Total War games are pretty hard to run, so keep that in mind OP. If you still have Windows 7 stuff like Total War Three Kingdoms or the Total War Warhammer games are going to laugh at you. That said, anything before Shogun 2 is likely to run on anything made post-2010.

    • @Essence_of_Meh
      210 months ago

      Oh, totally. I never went beyond Shogun 2 so I forgot to mention it. Good catch.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I have pretty much the direct opposite experience so it was the first thing that came to mind- I started with Rome 2 and couldn’t run it at the time lol.