You can download the files on:



FreeCAD Design Files: E-Reader Cases/6 inch

The files are for all the 3D Printable components which makes up the e-reader case. What’s not included in the files is the cutting profiles for the case that holds it. But you can just use duck tape or some flexible adhesive and it’ll work. Along with the screws, nuts and magnets required.

  • @the16bitgamerOP
    89 months ago

    Yeah, I made these because my original case broke (Nova 3 color not kobo). I sell them on Etsy, though sadly since it’s so labour intensive to stitch it ends up costing as much as the eReader. Trying to make it more upgradeable and user serviceable to better justify the price, but I’m still testing them.

    As for the desk, it’s my deterrent to keep eBay scam artists from selling my designs with my photos. I have fancy professional photos I can use if I want.

    Like this one

    The Keyboard is from EVGA but it was on clearance when I got it so I don’t think they sell it anymore.