• @givesomefucks
    -1910 months ago

    It’s not the minimum wage people should get. It’s the minimum we’ll accept

    And “blue no matter who” means we accept people who think it doesn’t need raised

    • @[email protected]
      2510 months ago

      The alternative to not voting blue in general elections is not socialism, it’s republicans.

      • @givesomefucks
        -1010 months ago

        No it’s not, it’s taking control of the party back from the people that only care about donors.

        It’s a private organization, but they haven’t always had the keys, it’s like a HOA.

        When it’s good, no one cares who’s in charge, so shitty people sneak in.

        The shitty people make things shitty, people accept it because the shits stacks up slowly.

        Then one day they’re tired of it, and they have to wait till the next HOA board vote to replace them.

        It’s not as easy to replace the people leading the DNC, but it’s doable.

        So if 3rd party is something you think can’t happen, are you working on fixing your own party? Are you fighting to replace them?

        Do you know any of their names without googling?

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          You seem to be getting down voted a lot for this comment, but I absolutely agree. The long term solution is to fix the DNC by replacing the corporate schills with progressives. In a city in NH in 2016 we were able to completely replace the local Democratic party with our people. It’s not even that hard, like 50 people vote in those elections.

          Everyone should find out who runs their local and state Dems, and start working to replace them if they are garbage. Once the local and state chapters are taken over it won’t be hard to take the DNC

          • @givesomefucks
            -410 months ago

            Except the party wants as little turnout as possible in the general

            It’s why they started saying Biden was the winner a good 5 months before the convention and only a handful.of.primaties had happened.

            Its why the stole NH’ delegates for voting progressive.

            If people could show up and say who they want for president, then theyd vote down ballot tok.

            The Dem party isn’t for us, it’s to take advantage of us

            But it wasn’t always, and doesn’t have to keep being that way.

            But I’m barely old enough to remember when it wasn’t

            • @[email protected]
              410 months ago

              They certainly only want people who are going to vote for them to turn up.

              I’m not sure what you mean by stole NH delegates.

              I wish more people would vote down ballot. Rs almost always vote top to bottom of the ticket, Ds tend to only vote for names they’ve heard of. That’s why Republicans have taken control of so much local government. Democrats need to win the presidential race by a huge margin for enough of it to trickle down to local stuff.

              Yes, the current DNC is there to work for the rich, just like the RNC. If we took over the party though, we could make it do whatever we wanted.

              • @givesomefucks
                010 months ago

                I’m not sure what you mean by stole NH delegates.

                When the party took away NHs say in the Dem primary for something only their Republican state government can control.

                I mean. Technically NH Dems could violated state law to keep the DNC happy like they asked, are you saying that’s what they should have done?

                Because the most common sense explanation is they were made NH kept rejecting moderates like Clinton and Biden.

                If we took over the party though, we could make it do whatever we wanted.

                Which is what I’m saying to do, and if you haven’t noticed, the more we vote “blue no matter who” the more conservative candidates we get.

                Because the DNC thinks anything left of republicans have to vote for them. From that misguided assumption. The party keeps moving right

                It’s not working, it’s never worked, and to keep trying it would be fucking insanity.

                Yet here we are.

                If we are really willing to sacrifice anything to stop trump, why won’t Joe Biden and the DNC sacrifice anything they want?

                Why do millions and millions of voters have to vote for someone they don’t want? Why can’t we run someone that agrees with the party platform and will work towards?

                The party isn’t the important part, voters are. No matter how much either party tells you differently.

                A general election is still about votes

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          If your idea of taking the party back is “voting independent in the general” I think you have absolutely no idea how elections and parties work. You’re throwing your vote away. You wanna change the party? Run in or work for local elections. Build from the bottom up, not the top down.

          Or just whine and throw your vote away.

          • @givesomefucks
            -410 months ago

            Or just whine and throw your vote away.

            What is hard to understand about this?

            The way to get the most votes is a younger progressive candidate.

            How is saying the party should get as much votes as possible “whining”?

            Is it because a younger progressive candidate isn’t who you want?

            Tough shit

            40% of the electorate is gen Z or Millenials.

            And the majority of over 45 wants trump

            You’re arguing against doing what the bulk of the Dem party wants, but some how I’m the one whining for wanting better than a coin flip chance to deal with trump anymore?

            What the fuck is the logic you’re using for this shit?

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              No it’s because voting for a progressive third party candidate in the general election for federal office

              1. doesn’t work
              2. benefits republicans
              3. is the prevailing wisdom of people like you

              It’s mastubatory whining. You get to claim that anyone who cares about actual outcomes is somehow less pure than you while you are absolved of any of the responsibilities of your vote. You wanna pretend voting third party for president helps? Bully for you. It fucking doesn’t help progressives, it helped Trump get elected and it will do it again.

              • @givesomefucks
                10 months ago

                You get to claim that anyone who cares about actual outcomes is somehow less pure than you

                That’s not the discussion.

                The discussion is a younger more progressive candidate is what the base wants, so why aren’t we giving it to them?

                40% of this electorate is either Gen Z or Millenial.

                And over 45 years old is going to trump.

                So why isn’t the DNC going after all those voters so that we can beat Trump?

                Stop thinking about if you’re right and how people under 40 are “whining” and start thinking about the best way to beat Trump:

                Running a popular candidate. Whether that means Biden starts listening to his voters and becomes more popular, or running someone less than 20 years over retirement age.

                I just don’t understand the logic of:

                This demographic wants progress, but fuck em we control the party so they have to vote for us. It would be crazy for us to give them what they want and guarantee victory. So we’ll call them babies and blame them when our unpopular candidates loses.

                If moderates are the “adults in the room” why are they the ones who won’t entertain the idea of voting for something a little different they want if it guarantees victory?

                Why not just do that?

                • @[email protected]
                  010 months ago

                  Nah see you keep not addressing the point. Voting for a progressive third party in the general will not get you a progressive win. It won’t give the Democratic Party something to think about. It won’t show them that the voters want progressives. It will get you a Republican win. Somehow you’re still trying to dodge that reality. You build change from the bottom up, not the top down.

                  • @givesomefucks
                    -110 months ago

                    Voting for a progressive third party in the general will not get you a progressive win.

                    So are you just under the impression that we’re not only stuck with Biden, there’s nothing the Dem base can ever do to ever change his mind?

                    So the only option besides letting Biden do only whatever he wants, is voting third party?

                    Because I don’t understand why Biden supporters skip the step where it’s a possibility Biden listens to his base.

    • @Leviathan
      010 months ago

      it doesn’t need raised

      Wow, I hate this fucking grammatical diarrhea.