Hi lemmings,

I’ve been asked to do DM a D&D introduction one-shot at work. I work in IT, and there are - as expected - a few nerds who are interested in dipping their toes in the warm TTRPG waters.

I’ve already run “The Wild Sheep Chase” (revised to be compatible with level 1 characters) in the past, to great success. But they want more!

Have you run short 2-3 hour one-shot adventures? Care to share them with me? I’m not against shopping around on the DM’s Guild either, but there’s ALOT. So I figured I could ask you guys to give me some pointers!

  • @samyobanjo
    51 year ago

    I’d make a five room dungeon that basically has 2-3 traps and 2-3 encounters. Since it’s only 2-3 hours you don’t want to have too much set up time of them meeting in a tavern. For a one shot sometimes it’s just fun to say “you’ve been hired to clear the old mine outside of town. The mine used to be used by the villagers as their major source of trade. But the goblins came along and stole it from them.” Then drop them off a little distance from the mine and give them a wilderness encounter before they enter it.