A bit of an old photo, this was my #1 for a couple years, extensively modded SE Custom 24 Floyd. The Floyd has since been replaced with a Gotoh GE1996T.

  • @Alteon
    42 years ago

    Looks beautiful! How did you go about selecting your pick ups? Im looking at modifying my Gibson SGJ to see if I can get some new sounds out of it and wanted to know if you had any ideas.

    • @DadHandsOP
      42 years ago

      Pretty much all of the choices made with regards to this guitar were in pursuit of versatility. For pickups, that meant finding humbuckers with great coil split tones. I was going to go with P-Rails initially, but my mind was changed as soon as I heard the coil splits on these. You could put them in just about anything and convince people they were hearing a Telecaster