When I post a comment, or load a page, it only completes less than half the time. I just wanted to verify I’m not the only person experiencing this?

I imagine it will add load as people will refresh and request pages 3 times as much as they need.

Edit: Looks like when I click main icon, I’m getting a response of:

502 Bad Gateway

  • @kromem
    291 year ago

    Growing pains.

    Have been reading that there’s issues with queue systems.

    It should improve over time, particularly when more mature frontend clients are available which can do their own retry backoff.

    The sudden increase (which may only continue) has led to a lot of issues, but in turn will lead to a lot of solutions as it becomes a more popular platform attracting open dev support.

    It’s just going to mean patience in holding out through the delta between those two.

  • @Wakdem
    131 year ago

    Big influx of users to one instance will do that. People need to spread around for now.

    • Mewtwo
      31 year ago

      I moved to the Blahaj.zone instance and have zero lag now. There are hundreds of instances that are small for people that would solve the lag issue.

  • Tygr
    111 year ago

    I saw this same thing when Reddit exploded in popularity. I’m choosing to be patient for a few months. I view it all as really good due to exponential growth.

  • @hydra
    111 year ago

    You’re not the only one, I’m experiencing empty screens and mysteriously missing content routinely on half of page loads and I need to keep refreshing to have content.

  • @catalyst
    61 year ago

    Takes several tries to get anything to load for me today.