Lórien can’t be harmed if the elves are properly armed
Assuming that’s a normal sized FAL, rough measurements say the character is ~6.5 ft tall, with weirdly childlike proportions 😬
Most elves are around 6’6 according to the Silmarillion, but are shorter according to dnd 5e
As a fan of both LOTR and D&D (3.5 mostly), this always annoyed me. Tolkien described elves as large (but slim) and majestic, while D&D describes them as small and flimsy.
Well, in the Sixth World, there are many different variants of each meta types, including elves
They’re both wrong. Elves are just another tree that must be chopped
Spoken like a Dwarf Fortress player
I guess you guys are into underage girls holding guns…
Is she supposed to be underage?
It’s not like she’s sexualized.
I just saw “Anime elf holding modern gun” and thought of NCD.
She’s an elf, she’s likely centuries old.
You make it sound like we aren’t into anthropomorphic jets, pax americana, pax europa, militarized femboys, and Russian meat waves.
To quote our favorite pig: “This is a nice battleship. You know what it needs? TITS!”
anime girls holding guns is hilarious to me. whats your problem?
Where did that come from? Part of a good education is the proper safe handling of guns.