Okay, we have heard your concerns.
How about an X-1?
As an experiment?
Not sure if we’re dealing with an airplane nerd or a Fallout nerd but we should be careful either way
Sorry but those will be Musk’s personal anti peasant drones to squash protests on mars
Best I can do is an XM1.
me when picking a favorite mouse button
Carbine gang rise up. Needs more grenades and/or grenade launchers, too
I had the pleasure of taking a relative’s carbine for a spin a while back. It’s just light, handy and balances super well.
There’s more https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1
Model 1 i guess
M = Model. Developed by land people.
Mk = Mark. Developed by water people.
Entire alphabet used for type designation in a complex system = Developed by sky people.
There wouldn’t be so many M1s if we didn’t keep absolutely nailing the design the first time around. M2? Nah perfection from the start