Back in about 2001, came home drunk one night as a teenager and went online. Met this guy in a chatroom, talked to him til about 6am. Made immediate plans to go visit, bought train tickets the next day.
Iirc it took 3 trains to get to his town, I remember an older lady chatting to me and seeming very concerned when she heard what I was doing (in hindsight, I see why haha).
Honestly we didn’t really vibe irl and so it turned out “awkward”. But I didn’t get murdered, which frankly is a bit of a miracle.
That does sound kinda dangerous lol. What ended up happening?
Honestly nothing too interesting at all. We went out to a local rock night, and then the next day I had to just hang around aimlessly in the town centre because his parents didn’t want a random girl staying alone in their house while everyone was at work!
We did stay in touch for a while after as internet acquaintances but he ended up having accidental kids quite young so I dodged a bullet there.
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It was not my most sensible moment. Second place probably goes to the time I went to a gig in Leeds at 16 (we do not live near Leeds), couldn’t afford a hotel, and just had to spend the whole night in the city centre among all the drunks while being…um…scantily clad. Teenage me was a bit of a menace.
I moved across the country to live with someone I was mutuals with on Mastodon, and then became her girlfriend a couple days later. It’s been almost 5 years now and we’re still very happy together! She’s my best friend and the only person that I feel understands me completely, and it still feels unreal that we even met at all.
Aw this is lovely, congratulations!
I bought an apartment 600kms away from my job two months ago.
I’ll report back on how it turned out when I move there and find out whether they decide to fire me.
what made you buy an apartment so far away?
I work in the capital of my country because there are more jobs there, but I don’t like big cities. I bought an apartment in my hometown, which is where I want to spend the rest of my life. I was told at the time of buying that I would be able to work fully remotely starting June, but now they say February and I’m moving next week, so either I’ll find a new job or they’ll make it work.
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Bought a house. Sold it for 100% profit at the peak of the market.
I do not advise this. I got crazy lucky.
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Sent a message to my group of friends one night to meet for dinner in a random gas station that had a small 24hr diner we chose on Google Maps. 1AM at night on a weekday, 5 cars pull next to the place, 7 guys walk in and have a late dinner. I am sure the owners were weirded out and stressed about it but it was great. The food was mediocre.
It wasn’t me who did it, but I was working at Walmart as a cashier one night and a middle-aged couple came to my register with a package of darts and a map of the US. They said they were gonna go home, put the map up on the wall, and each throw a dart. Whichever they liked better of the two locations they landed on, they were going to pack up and move to. I never saw them again so I guess they did it. I still wonder how it went for them.
I asked out a liquor drinking actress at a college party. When I refused to date her friend, she tricked me into seeing campus psychiatrist. They quickly misdiagnosed scoliosis pain, moderate depression, and boredom of not being allowed to major in computers as bipolar mania.
20 years later despite being happy (never attempted suicide, never hallucinated, not violent) and having more success in career/charity still being harassed by antipsychotic with no trial. Face spasms, 175 pounds fatter, and intoxication so bad I can’t remote control Kodi TV app or lay down.
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