The ex-president has said he would pardon those convicted of violence, obstructing Congress and seditious conspiracy

In the three years to the day since the insurrection at the US Capitol, great strides have been made in shoring up American democracy: hundreds of rioters have been prosecuted, legislation has been passed to bolster electoral safeguards and Donald Trump has been charged over his efforts to subvert the 2020 election.

But as the country marks the third anniversary of one of its darkest days in modern times, a pall hangs in the air. It comes from Trump himself and his promise, growing steadily louder as the 2024 presidential election approaches, that if he wins he will pardon those convicted of acts of violence, obstructing Congress and seditious conspiracy on 6 January 2021.

The scope of Trump’s pardon pledge is astonishing both for its quantity and quality. The former president has made clear that – should he be confirmed as the Republican presidential candidate and go on to triumph in the November election – he would contemplate pardoning every one of those prosecuted for their participation in the insurrection.

  • @PunnyName
    649 months ago

    Yep, the coup marches on. The next few (several?) presidential elections are going to be awash with conspiracy and Stochastic Terrorism.

    People still think it was stolen, and they aren’t gonna let up until either they have all the control they possibly can (hey SCOTUS, fuck you), they die, or their opponents die.

    Welcome to America. It’s a shit show with no intermission.

  • @[email protected]
    569 months ago

    So, he’s going to pardon Antifa and the FBI deep state? All his followers must be pissed. Oh they knew all along that was bullshit and are thrilled to do away with the rule of law? And that’s a page right from the fascism playbook? Weird. No one could’ve predicted this.

  • @rbhfd
    459 months ago

    Would this not be considered as “providing comfort to insurrectionists”, as described in the 14th amendment. Even just promising pardoning them.

    So even if they argue he supposedly wasn’t involved in it, it would still disqualify him from office.

    • Vanon
      9 months ago

      If we had a legitimate Supreme Court, he would not be able to run. If we had a legitimate justice system, he would’ve been locked up (or fled to his favorite dictator). If we had a decent populace, he would be a just another spoiled brat, irrelevant clown.

  • Flying Squid
    359 months ago

    I wonder how many of them know that a pardon is an admission of guilt?

    I wonder if Trump knows that?

      • Flying Squid
        39 months ago

        It sure will to anyone who ever Googles them. Such as a future employer. They think this will get them off the hook entirely.

        • @jaybone
          139 months ago

          I’m guessing they will work at places where their employer approves of such things.

            • @jaybone
              19 months ago

              Trump doesn’t like people who swim.

          • Flying Squid
            19 months ago

            If they can all find work at such places. Easier said than done.

  • @[email protected]
    259 months ago

    No he won’t

    Trump never pays his bills, and only hels those that are useful to him in some way.

    This just again riling is base and getting cheap publicity

  • @snekerpimp
    209 months ago

    “If I do his dirty work for him, the god king may forgive me?!”

  • @[email protected]
    179 months ago

    It comes from Trump himself and his promise, growing steadily louder as the 2024 presidential election approaches, that if he wins he will pardon those convicted of acts of violence, obstructing Congress and seditious conspiracy on 6 January 2021

    I bet he has no intention to follow through on that promise. At least not for most of them.

    Maybe for 1 or 2 who still have the ability to do something for Trump in the future, but the majority will be ignored.

  • @anon_8675309
    89 months ago

    Great strides!? Hardly. More like bare minimum.

  • @CADmonkey
    19 months ago

    Wasn’t there also some other group of his fanbois who he said he would pardon, but he didn’t?

  • FlashMobOfOne
    9 months ago

    He’s going to win, and it’s going to happen.

    I’m not sure why everyone’s so aghast at this. The man literally sold the resolute desk for ad space. There were zero meaningful repercussions for his choice to drum up a mob to attack the Capitol.

    The real problem is that the next attack will undoubtedly be worse.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Lol. He’s not going to win. Not because he’s dangerous and Democrats will stop him. He’s not going to win because he’s fat, smelly, and BORING. That’s the ultimate sin in entertainment.

      He’s not new anymore. No Democrats are going to vote for him to “shake things up”. He’s older and can barely make rambling jokes anymore. Being president takes a lot out of you. It’s going to be obvious that he just doesn’t have what it takes.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Sure, he’s completely unqualified for the office. But he was last time too. A lot of people didn’t vote based on how qualified he was, they voted on “he tells it like it is”.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          That’s what they said. But they don’t really want that. They want a powerful person to be entertaining and validate their beliefs about the world. Reagan was that person for a while, GW Bush was, Rush Limbaugh was too. The main qualifications are being entertaining, powerful, and validating.

          Trump is losing his power through massive legal trouble. He’s not as entertaining as before. He’s older and fatter (probably smellier too). His fans will not vote as hard as they did before. They will just complain about the “deep state” and drink a beer.