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Billionaire CEOs were quick to sing the praises of working from home at the start of the pandemic, calling it the way of the future — but over the last three years, they’ve slowly changed their tune.

Late last year, Forbes reported that 90% of companies will return to the office in 2024, with 28% threatening to fire workers who don’t comply.

But it turns out that the motivations for calling workers back to the office may have less to do with employee productivity or profit margins and everything to do with catering to the egos of controlling managers who want their workers back, according to a recent study published by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh.

Mark Ma, an associate professor of business administration from Pitt’s Katz Graduate School of Business, who led the study, told BI he started the research hoping to understand why some S&P 500 firms want employees to return to the office while other firms avoid calling them back.

“One of the most common arguments management suggests is that they want to return to office because employee productivity is low at home, and they believe returns to office would help firms improve performance and ultimately improve the firm’s value,” Ma told BI. “That’s the reason they give — but our results actually do not support these arguments.”

  • @Whirling_Cloudburst
    455 months ago

    Its all about the property income. They need people to fill the offices regardless of productivity. Even if you are not more productive, you are still lining someone else’s pockets.

    • @[email protected]
      205 months ago

      This is absolutely the real reason… Everyone who knows shit knows it’s bullshit, but they want their commercial rent back.

    • @minorninth
      95 months ago

      I’m sure this is true for some businesses, but there are also tons of businesses that have no vested interest in commercial real estate. It doesn’t explain all of it.

      Honestly I think a much better explanation is that on average, bosses like being in the office and they don’t understand why everyone isn’t like them. Top leadership tends to be extroverted and they got where they are by lots of networking. They don’t have enough appreciation that for a lot of other types of people and types of jobs, being in the office just makes things harder.

      • @PutangInaMo
        55 months ago

        It’s not a singular issue. You both have valid points.

        It’s also about local economies losing the market share they had pre 2020. Every business in between your house and your job loses revenue. And all of that encompasses local tax revenue.

        In other words it’s completely changed the commuting economy in it’s entirety. From the top down and those who have vested interests want that back.

        • @The_v
          55 months ago

          Those are actual logical reasons. I personally think it’s more emotional.

          For most of the last 100 years the corner office with a view and all sorts of luxuries has been a “reward” for middle to upper management.

          Now nobody gives a shit about those offices. It hurts their feelers that nobody gives a shit about their perks anymore.

          • @PutangInaMo
            35 months ago

            Absolutely, it’s a huge cultural shift. And it happened quick too, which humans aren’t really good at reacting to.

            I think every reason you can imagine plays a role in it. But yeah the cultural norms are a huge part of it, we’ve been conditioned to view those things as success.

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        This. What’s the point of finally getting that corner office if there’s no one to feel superior over?

      • HobbitFoot
        25 months ago

        You also have items in the article noting that managers who saw drops in performance during the pandemic were the ones most likely to pull people into the office. So it seems like some managers saw issues with group performance and going back to the office was seen as a way to resolve the issue.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      Why though? Utilities would be cheaper if the property was vacant then you can just end the lease!

  • bedrooms
    5 months ago

    I think these managers who love open office don’t understand we need individual rooms.

    Also, before talking about returning, there are bigger factors that contribute to productivity. Having a secretary is probably far more important than working in an office.

    And to completely de-motivate to return, I work for my life, not the other way around.

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      I think these managers who love open office don’t understand we need individual rooms.

      It’s hard to understand while sitting in a corner office

      • @minorninth
        125 months ago

        I think it’s more that it’s hard to understand when you’re extroverted and your job depends on talking to people all day.

    • @captainlezbian
      25 months ago

      Yeah I’d kill for an office at this point. Like it’s not even to fuck around, I just need to not be constantly distracted or on show. I’m a professional, part of my job is sitting there thinking, I’d like to have space to do that. But nope, open office plan with insane upper management

    • @[email protected]
      225 months ago

      For some companies, yes. Ultimately, it all extends from greed. Gotta keep my using my land because otherwise it will lose value. Gotta layoff people to make profits go up. Must make money printer go, Brrrrr.

      • BaldProphet
        75 months ago

        It’s ironic because only the largest of companies actually own the land their offices are on. Most companies are seeing higher costs as a result of holding onto offices that they don’t actually need.

        RTO is in effect making employees significantly less productive because their productivity is countered by the added expense of leasing and maintaining offices.

  • @[email protected]
    265 months ago

    Data only matters to them if they can use it to support the conclusions they want. Otherwise they just ignore at best or at worst call it fake news.

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      I had a ceo who was all about data driven decisions. It was a core company value. They put it on tshirts.

      Workers pointed out that studies were showing 4 day work weeks were good on most metrics. He didn’t give a single shit. Just laughed and said we’re not doing that.

    • @PoliticalAgitator
      135 months ago

      Exactly. They’ll claim “it’s just business” when they need to lay off half their workers and squeeze anyone left twice as hard but when it’s something upsetting to them, all the studies in the world won’t convince them to loosen their leashes.

  • danielbln
    5 months ago

    What is that article picture? A bunch of 4:3 monitors, people sitting on unpadded wooden chairs, shoulder to shoulder? What kind of office hellpit is that?

    • @800XL
      105 months ago

      Open seating facilitating C o l l a b o r a t i o n, my friend. It’s the newest in a long line of corporate circle-jerk KPIs.

      Quarterly losses got the shareholders on your back?

      Mandate more collaborations!

      Employees realizing their worth got the shareholders on your back?

      Mandate more collaborations!

      Feeling insecure about your authority got the shareholders on your back?

      Mandate more collaborations!

      The high mount of time spent collaborating on Teams/Slack got the shareholders on your back?

      Mandate more collaborations!

      Some other company’s Exec bragging about their greater number of collaborations got the shareholders on your back?

      Mandate more collaborations!

      What’s the easiest most effortless method to generate more collaborations without having to use any brain power whatsoever?

      Copy what other CEOs who’ve failed have done and change nothing because you’re a lazy hack but tell yourself it’ll work perfectly because you’re a snowflake and smarter than everyone else! 🌹🌹Return to Office! 🌹🌹

      When it doesn’t work, what do you do?

      Blame the workers for not collaborating right! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!

      55 months ago

      It’s a picture of an open office floor from 15 years ago based on the monitors, clothing, and magazine

      • danielbln
        25 months ago

        Sheesh, I sat in an open plan office in 2008, and we had ergonomic chairs and wide desks and widescreen monitors even then. IT privilege, I suppose.

    • VindictiveJudge
      35 months ago

      After examining the magazine being passed and discovering a (frankly super creepy) website documenting, among other things, every magazine cover featuring Angelina Jolie, that is most likely a November 2008 variety office hellpit.

  • Certified Asshole
    125 months ago

    And now I wonder if covid misinformation campaigns were co-paid by the same Forbes companies intentionally, to make people ignore safety measures.

  • BaldProphet
    95 months ago

    It’s annoying that I’ve seen essentially the opposite headline from Business Insider as well in the past few days. I feel like they’re not much of a “news” source with this kind of clickbait content.

  • 𝐘Ⓞz҉
    85 months ago

    I change company every yeat and Often notice that the places I have worked where boss are really controlling they always seems to have a miserable life. Meaning no friends, they stay back after 5 in the name of “work” and don’t care about anything but them.