If you’re from a non English speaking country, do you first have to learn English if you want to get into programming?

  • @[email protected]
    1031 year ago

    Not sure about today but VBA (in the MS Office products) actually had translated keywords because Microsoft is batshit insane.

    • @Gumus
      551 year ago

      I hate using Excel for this reason. ALMOST all functions are translated, so you’re never sure what to look for. If you find a solution for a problem online? Doesn’t work, you’d have to rewrite it in your language. And you can’t even switch the language in settings, because it’s tied to the OS language (maybe you can in recent versions, haven’t bothered to check for a while).

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        This is why I never touch language setting in any OS. It’s guaranteed I’ll have some problem down the line because I can’t search the problem or understand the solution if error crops up someday, because the menus are different.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            This is why it’s good to have unique error codes in addition to messages. It also helps with error monitoring as you can aggregate errors by their error code rather than message (which can have variables in it, different languages, etc).

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Error codes can be useful but I find that a lot of vendors using them rely on the code too much to classify errors as identical. Usually the variables do matter, e.g. which file couldn’t be opened or which action was attempted by whom that got a permission denied error.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        Not sure about VBA, but Excel formulas are actually saved in English and translated on file load. It doesn’t translate strings though, so EVALUATE only works for users with the same language as the author.

    • @[email protected]
      211 year ago

      Real world scenario happening to me:

      Reinstall my win os to use French because a) back in the day you couldn’t just change language, b) scrips were VB written french (so si instead of if etc).

    • Atemu
      171 year ago

      Cucumber/Gherkin also has translated keywords (even Emoji… smh) but there it actually makes sense because you actually write it in natural language.

      • @[email protected]
        161 year ago

        I am sceptical of natural language programming in general but I am also fairly certain that you would have to do a lot more than just translate the keywords to get something that looks natural in another language. Word order is different in many languages for one.

  • @De_Narm
    1 year ago

    Even if pretty much all popular languages are based on English, you do not have to learn English first. There aren’t that many keywords to begin with and your variables, functions and comments can be any language you want to. The hard parts of learning a language, like grammar, conjugation, pronunciation etc. all aren’t needed.

    That being said, English still is the agreed upon language and people probably won’t contribute much to projects in other languages and you can’t read most documentations.

    • @SquiffSquiff
      361 year ago

      Realistically you will always need to be able to read documentation for:

      • Your language
      • Your compiler
      • Your platform
      • The APIs you’re calling

      All of this will be in English even if your project is in another human language. Yes there will be translation for some of it available but it will be partial, incomplete, dated, etc. you’ll be using English so much anyway and have people from other countries working on the code regardless that you’re adding a needless barrier using a different national language.

      Look at the French government open source codee for instance. The overall website is in French but the actual repos are covered and mostly seem to be in English

    • @ChapulinColorado
      1 year ago

      I would say the largest loss for a non English speaker is not having the full context of the method and variable names, as well as the comments or API descriptions within the source code. My friends from Mexico all mention English is a requirement on basically any university offering computer science/engineering.

      Edit: you can always use google translate, but that will inflate the time required.

      • aard
        01 year ago

        Thanks to more and more languages supporting full unicode for symbols this will eventually be a thing of the past, fortunately: we can just switch to functions and variables being named only with one or more descriptive emojis.

  • @[email protected]
    571 year ago

    Not programming but the question reminded me of Aviation English. All pilots and air traffic controllers must learn how to speak “aviation english” in order to communicate. It’s essentially a few hundred English words and basic syntax all related to aviation. I’d say learning a programming language is kind of like learning Aviation English.

  • Lupec
    411 year ago

    Ideally, you need at least some basic understanding to use the vast majority of languages. The problem isn’t even writing the code itself, you can definitely just memorize the keywords and some basic concepts and have at it. If you ask me, the real issue is the availability, amount and overall quality of documentation and learning material if you go about it that way.

    I have a few coworkers who skipped the learning English part and learned most everything from other non native speakers and they tend to be crippled by often not really being able to make use of official documentation or keep up with new things, since the vast majority of content out there is in English. It also has the unfortunate side effect of pushing them to stick with whatever it is they learned way back when and not really looking for better ways of getting things done.

    So basically, you can pull it off without knowing English but it’s going to be suboptimal and/or painful IMO.

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      71 year ago

      Bash commands feel like fake English to me. I know they’re abbreviations, but that’s the closest I felt to simulating that feeling of a non-english speaker memorizing commands to do something.

      • Lupec
        41 year ago

        I love that, great analogy! I don’t think I’d ever make that connection since I’m pretty sure they both sounded about equally alien back when I was introduced to them 😅

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    No, they exist but they are rather rare.

    Here is an example of a programming language that is completely in Russian: https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Встроенный_язык_программирования_1С:Предприятие#Пример_программы

    That said, English is the lingua franca of the field of computing. You aren’t forced to learn it, but without it, you’ll deny yourself access to the vast majority of material out there, be it books, articles, papers, documentation, specification, and so on.

    • jaxxed
      161 year ago

      I would say that while language constructs are typically English words, they don’t really require English comprehension to learn. That said, the vast majority of programming support, documentation and community are in English, and are not accessible without English comprehension.

    • @Peck
      51 year ago

      There’s also kumir. It was(is?) used to teach kids how to program. I first learned programming using it many years ago. I still think that it made me a better programmer than people who were using Pascal instead. They were both popular in schools at the time.

  • @[email protected]
    321 year ago

    There’s always machine code, just writing numbers for the functions of the CPU. Or you have Esoteric programming languages like Brainfuck that doesn’t use any words at all, it’s just very simple instructions. There’s Piet, which is a pixel colour based programming language.

    To be frank; no programming languages are based on English, they are all based on logic. They are most often expressed in English, but there’s really no reason one couldn’t have a translation layer for every programming language. But that would make it a lot harder to find the solution if you have some fairly niche problem. Having everything in one language is simply more efficient since it doesn’t fragment the questions and answers.

    But a quick search gave me https://analyticsindiamag.com/6-popular-non-english-programming-languages/. The simple answer to your question thus is; No

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      All instruction sets are documented in English and it’s more esoteric so the tutorial scene in any non-English language is less developed, so that requires even more English skill than memorizing a couple of keywords in a mainstream language.

  • @[email protected]
    271 year ago

    No. The Soviets had one that was basically C but a decade early called Адрес (address). The higher-ups were skeptical of the concept of computers, though, so computing in the USSR languished anyway.

    I think the Chinese have something going too. Mostly educated global people know some English anyway, though.

  • @[email protected]
    231 year ago

    Honestly, no. I do know English, however the syntax is always very far removed from actual sentences and learning how to use the syntax is way different from how languages work.

    That said, you’re kinda porked when it comes to reading through documentations, APIs, and watching tutorials, as most of them are in English.

    I do have about 2 friends though who can code and are not particularly versed in English.

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      21 year ago

      I worked in a company that outsourced code.

      The only English speaker, English was his fifth language and he would still struggle. We had to write followup emails after every meeting so he can take time to decipher my exact request.

      All the deliverables were in broken English. If catch things like “reqiured” that were easy fixes. Code logic was readable, but not great. I mean it worked though.

  • Captain Aggravated
    151 year ago

    Brainfuck certainly isn’t. Most assembly languages use opcodes that are sorta English abbreviations, like STA for Store value in the A register. I haven’t done much work in assembly but I think there are several standards which don’t strictly speaking use English keywords.

    I do recall hearing of a language described as “You can write in it in any language” I guess meaning the various bits of syntax are done with special characters? I forget which it is.

  • cmat273
    151 year ago

    There are Arabic based programming languages, which is pretty interesting because right to left.

    Generally though you need to know some English to learn the more widely used ones.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Neat. That’s something I never even thought of. When typing in Arabic, does the cursor proceed from right to left, then?

      Is this somehow handled with locales, are custom operating systems required, or is it really only handled by specific editors like word processors?

      I’m trying to imagine how this would work at, say, a console bash prompt.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Terminal environments are always awful at RTL, they always need to make shitty compromises that graphical environments just don’t need to make. The fact that you even need a RTL mark is already a bad start - graphical text renderers can deduce text directionality based on the characters in it.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Try using a website in an RTL language some time. Facebook and Google both support Arabic and Hebrew for example. The entire site is flipped - a left sidebar would instead appear on the right, a logo might be at the top right instead of top left, etc. Getting it right is hard, especially with mixed RTL/LTR content (like if you have a Hebrew page with some English words on it).

  • @Gxost
    141 year ago

    Yes. Although it’s possible to learn programming without knowing English, English is required for those who wants to be good programmers. All documentation is in English, naming and comments should be in English too, otherwise it would be hard to maintain code for developers from other countries.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    You kind of learn some English along the way while programming. At the beginning, you just memorize the commands and most of them use rather basic words anyway. Everything you name (functions/variables) you could write in your native language. Also, autocompletion helps…