Stealing from Weissman’s board ideas, I made a gastrique with shallot and dried chiltepin for the cream cheese. The rest is all cheap and cheerful Lidl nibbles.

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    211 year ago

    Looks great!

    Just FYI, this really isn’t charcuterie though. Charcuterie is specifically about prepared meats. You can have other stuff on a charcuterie board, but normally just some things to compliment the meats.

    On the other hand, so many people have been misusing the word for a while now that the definition is starting to accommodate arrangements like yours.

    Yummy regardless of what it’s called.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        31 year ago

        Yours has the same definition as mine, and even links to the same page, but then says:

        However, according to food historian Sarah Wassberg Johnson, charcuterie also has its roots in the simple meals that had been eaten by laborers of the working class throughout Europe since the medieval period, often consisting of meats, cheeses, bread, local produce, and wine or beer.

        That’s one I’ve never seen, and the citation is the opinion of a single person without reference. If you Google the definition, you’re going to mostly find that it’s prepared meats, with some places saying the definition has evolved to include other stuff.

        • Brave Little Hitachi WandOP
          21 year ago

          I just came here to post some nice looking food. If you want to get into it in a rigorous way you’ve got the wrong guy.

          • AFK BRB Chocolate
            21 year ago

            And I said it was nice looking food. Thought you might be interested about the use of the word. Was anything that I said argumentative? Feel free to ignore.

            • Brave Little Hitachi WandOP
              11 year ago

              You’re good. I’m too far from academia nowadays, so when people mention citations I assume there’s an argument happening lmao

  • Che Banana
    51 year ago

    Came here for the “ackshually, that’s not charcuterie” comment, wasn’t disappointed.

    Subbed specifically because I’m waiting for the absolute meltdown* someone will eventually have over this, aka the Grilled Cheese VS Melt.

    *pun intended

    • Brave Little Hitachi WandOP
      21 year ago

      Spare a thought for our friends, the English-speaking lingustic prescriptivists. Your $0.02 can help these poor souls who cry out for etymologically sound lexicons while speaking a language with multiple words that are their own antonyms.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    51 year ago

    When I talk about someone’s meat rose I’ve never thought about this.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I said it once and I’ll say it again: we definitely need a charcuterie community for more delicious pictures like this one :)

  • @Damdy
    41 year ago

    While that looks absolutely fantastic, the worst thing in the world is biting in what you believe to be an olive and discovering it’s a tomato in your mouth. Split your rounds.

  • @hakunawazo
    1 year ago

    I like the presentation. Looks very tasty. I have similar plates and associate special occations with them.
    The grapes are dangerously close to the olives of similar color so it could become a mouth full of surprise.

  • @ChicoSuave
    21 year ago

    Charcuterie is to cooking as flower arranging is to gardening. Arranging food is different from applying heat and seasoning.

    • Brave Little Hitachi WandOP
      31 year ago

      It’s called culinary arts, art is the study of choice, and I chose this selection with more care than some choose their words.

      • @ChicoSuave
        1 year ago

        Sorry if it was too subtle. That charcuterie doesn’t belong here. The cheese is a sloppy pile of rectangles, the green thing (cucumber?) Is just a long arrayed veg without showing the flesh. The most galling thing is they made a pepperoni meat flower and then left the prosciutto as a crumple meat heap next to the flower. Like they tried for a moment and then said fuck it, I want up votes and praise instead of putting in the work.

        This charcuterie is like a bunch of unarranged flowers in a vase and it is hardly foodporn. It’s poorly presented and a weak attempt at getting recognition but OP didn’t do anything except chop. There is no showmanship on display. The only taste in the picture is what the food brings. In

        • TJA!
          11 year ago

          I see. Yes. In that case your first post was indeed very poorly worded. I got the impression that you were against this being posted here because you thought that it would not count as cooking.