The active registered voters with the Florida Democratic Party fell by 467,337 voters or nearly 10 percent. The active registered voters with the Republican Part of Florida decreased by 153,369 or approximately three percent.

The overall number of voters purged from the rolls is likely to increase after Decembers data is collected, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel, due to routine list maintenance.

However, the decline in registered voters is concerning to some heading into this years election season as people brace for a highly contentious presidential race and hot-button issues like abortion are expected to be on the state ballot.

  • theprogressivist
    1329 months ago

    Gotta love the ratfucking. Can’t win fairly. I suggest everyone check their voter registration regardless where you live.

    Check it here:

    • Jaysyn
      9 months ago

      I’ve already been purged & re-added. For some reason I thought all of the voter rolls were purged here.

      My mother has been as well, but since she’s a Trump supporter & doesn’t consume any legitimate news, she doesn’t know & I’m not telling her.

      EDIT: My mistake, it was mail in voting access, not regular ballot access.

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      329 months ago

      Its a powerful and effective strategy, so the Florida GOP will keep doing it until someone stops them.

      Three Presidents after the Brooks Brothers Riot and nobody at the top seems interested in trying.

  • rivermonster
    9 months ago

    In most red states, it is literally impossible for the GOP to win a state-wide election without massive voter suppression efforts. No shocker here. Nobody hates democracy more than Republicans.

    Edit: Just like Florida, Texas is easily blue if elections there were fair, and voting wasn’t intentionally made difficult for minorities and blue counties.

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      309 months ago

      Texas is easily blue if elections there were fair, and voting wasn’t intentionally made difficult

      There are maybe five or six House seats that could flip without some very naked voter suppression. But the state as a whole owes its allegiance to the Oil & Gas industry. And the O&G Industry (particularly in the Deep South) is wedded to the GOP.

      I think the state could swing out blue from under a guy like Ted Cruz if the elections were fair. But in the end you’d still be stuck with a Bush legacy candidate or a goon working for the old money - like John Cornyn or Kay Bailey Hutchinson or Tom DeLay - on the way up. There are just way too many people who believe their entire livelihoods are stacked on the price of a barrel of crude to quit the GOP.

      Nevermind all the racism.

  • @cogman
    9 months ago

    Friendly reminder to everyone to check your registration status, like right this instant. Because some of these states have REALLY bad registration laws to try and keep you from voting.

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      199 months ago

      Good to be vigilante, but don’t take this as an excuse for the blatant defrauding of the US electoral system that this is.

      • @cogman
        169 months ago

        For sure, fuck republicans for their undemocratic actions.

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        This. Your elections should be better. I’m not bothering to check my voter status because if for some weird reason I’m not registered, I can just do election day registration and still vote relatively painlessly, because I live in Minnesota, which actually cares about letting people vote (and we’re pretty proud of being #1 in voter turnout). But if you live somewhere less democratic than I do, definitely check.

    469 months ago

    Funny how it works out that way…

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      9 months ago

      Hardly the first time Florida has purged its rolls of liberal voters.

      But after three Democratic presidents worth of shenanigans, nobody at the DOJ Civil Rights Division seems to have given any shits.

      You’d think Biden might care, even if Clinton and Obama slept through this shit.

      • themeatbridge
        109 months ago

        Angry people vote. They’d rather sell the idea that Floridians are being disenfranchised by the GOP than stop them. Going to court will cost money, but fundraising from angry voters raises money.

        • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
          69 months ago

          Going to court will cost money, but fundraising from angry voters raises money.

          Fundraising when you don’t have the votes mostly just sends money to scam-artist political consultants.

          • themeatbridge
            69 months ago

            The DNC has written off Florida. They spend money there to force the GOP to defend it, but it’s solidly red and that’s not going to change with 10% more registered Democrats.

            Don’t get me wrong, it’s a bad strategy. Florida is worth fighting for, and we should be speaking to the voters and making the arguments that Democrats are better for Floridians. But Democrats don’t seem to be interested in that.

            • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
              69 months ago

              The DNC has written off Florida.

              They spent a whole shit-ton of money on a meth-head gubernatorial candidate not that long ago. And they’re not afraid to piss hundreds of millions away in Tennessee and South Carolina. Its too big a prize to just ignore.

              Florida is worth fighting for, and we should be speaking to the voters and making the arguments that Democrats are better for Floridians.

              Florida is only worth fighting for in so far as Democrats will fight to keep anyone left of John McCain from winning a primary. As soon as you get to the general election, they’re going to run the same old “We’re Nice Republicans” gambit and lose to a bunch of frothing face-eaters.

      • @shalafi
        89 months ago

        I got kicked many years back (Florida). Just checked, still good.

  • @derphurr
    9 months ago

    There isn’t enough meat here to say if this is expected or nefarious. For one thing those in FL over 90 yrs are a few percentage more registered D than R. So voters removed from rolls due to SSA dB death records or FL death records will favor D over R by 5%

    We don’t know how many are students, which are the largest group of purged through postcard address verification. Moving states, registering in other counties, not updating address, etc. Younger FL voters are more likely registered D than R.

    You’d want to look at AAMVA and ERIC lookups, and where the purges come from. You are also removed from voter rolls for not voting in recent federal general elections (last two)

    On the other hand, Florida Republicans have actively improperly ratfucked the rolls like 2000.

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      89 months ago

      On the other hand, Florida Republicans have actively improperly ratfucked the rolls like 2000.

      Its precisely because they have such a shit reputation that these headlines ring alarm bells.

  • @Kbobabob
    109 months ago

    How many of these are because Democrats left that shit hole state?

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      189 months ago

      With the passage of Amendment 4 - Voting Rights Restoration from 2018, there’s been a continuous back-and-forth between the state and former convicts, as they attempt to use their newly constitutional right to register.

      So it could be them trying to purge the rolls of anyone they’ve flagged as a felon voter that the state refuses to acknowledge as re-enfranchised. There’s also been a number of efforts to reform election law and tighten who can vote. So they maybe purging old mail-in ballot voters under the S.B. 90 bill.

  • @badbytes
    69 months ago

    Florida gonna be Florida.