I’m currently working my way through the series for a second time (took a decade off). I’ve just finished Clash and I guess my main takeaway right now is mainly the following:

Fuck Theon Greyjoy.

Now I know his arc, I know that in a few books time I’m probably going to feel a bit different, but right now I’m really struggling to square away the fact that he murdered two small children, and was willing to hang a child in order to hold back an army hell-bent on retaking his castle.

I’m thinking that maybe, Theon kinda deserves what he’s got coming to him.

    8 months ago

    Oh, you’ll pass the full spectrum of feelings for him.

    • SbisasCostlyTurnoverOP
      58 months ago

      I’m a significantly different person to who I was when I first read the series back in the day, and I’ve got to think that plays into how I view, or feel about certain characters.

      Cat feels much more understandable to me now. Theon is (somehow) even less likable (ATM) and I’ve had a genuinely really difficult time getting through some of those Arya chapters from before she gets to Harenhall.