I think this would’ve been a “Nothing-burger” had the post stayed there.
If someone (HBO/WarnerMedia/Lawyers) told him to remove it… just made it worse. This is going to stir up online fervor.
I take back my comment about the teleporting:
This part of the map puts things into perspective…
It looked like Alicent was sincere about accepting Rhaenyra’s conditions.
IIRC Larys’ scheme to spirit Aegon out of King’s Landing is straight out of F&B - it doesn’t look like she’s privy to it. But who really knows…
antlered human
😱Going back to the antlered human
in the godswood… I would have preferred an antlered being as a vision from a certain event in ASOIAF:
In a vast river stood a monstrous figure, antlers crowning its massive, muscled form. Shadows deepened as it loomed over a horse-sized black dragon, whose obsidian scales glistened in the dying light. The antlered being roared, eyes aflame with defiance, but the dragon matched it in relentlessness. With a bone-shaking bellow, the giant struck, its immense strength driving into the dragon’s chest. Blood mingled with the river’s waters as the dragon’s life ebbed away, sinking into the depths
Love this!
I’d say so!
For some reason the video’s preview image is not showing on Voyager. 🤷
Ohhh that’s a good theory!
Up until when he mentioned her, I was believing Alys was a ghost or manifestation of Harrenhal that only Daemon could interact with.
I still don’t think she has interacted with anyone else.
- “Here’s a description of sexual assault.” Great, let’s follow that with a makeout session…
Not a direct mention😉
I’m starting to think Rhaena is going to go rogue (like Dad) and “capture” Sheepstealer to prove her worth, leaving Aegon and Viserys vulnerable in the Gullet. I wonder if this will lead to the events with Joffrey and Viserys, which will start Aegon’s dragon-related trauma and make Rhaenyra furious at Rhaena (after she trusted her children to her).
I wish I had thought of this one first: After the Bracken Fiasco and all the other blunders, our rogue prince is earning the nickname Daemon Backfyre’d.
ROFL for Trump to not invest… that’s not a low bar. The bar is buried and no shovel would help.
This game’s content needs a NSFL tag😱