My legs are full on flexing since. This is something that’s new to me. My whole ordeal is relatively new to me which is started a year ago but has slowly been progressing since and new stuff seems to pop up. I did get an emg a week and a half ago and it showed all the muscles in my legs are firing incorrectly and other stuff.
So I went to get the blood test done my neurologist wanted on Monday. I had to wait a while but I’m 25 and there was much older people coming in and waiting so I didn’t want to take any of the chairs they could use even though I knew it would cause me pain. It did cause extra pain and my legs got super shaky as usual. I stood up for a bit and sat on the ground.
One thing I didn’t expect is my legs reacting how they are. Since Monday they have been non stop full on flexing. I haven’t got this before. Ive got it in my chest, neck, traps, hips, and back before and it comes and goes but sometimes stays for months. I’ve had pain and this and that but I’ve never had them thigh to foot just full on flex. They’ve always been tight but this is just something else. When I walk I can just feel them being so incredibly stiff and exhausted. It’s even harder to walk more than usual right now since they are fully contracted (to the extent they can be cause some of the muscles just weren’t working during emg) so trying to swing them back and fourth and bend at the knee is difficult.
I hope this goes away. I’ve had stuff random like this pop up and simply never go away. It would really suck if this is one of the things that doesn’t.
That sounds really awful. I’m sorry you’re going through that. Do you mind me asking if this is your first chronic pain thing or if you’ve had ongoing issues?
I’m assuming that since your doctor is sending you for that kind of testing that they’ve ruled out things like low sodium and dehydration, which can cause really painful cramping in your legs.
Hang in there - living with pain is no fun.
September last year it when it started and then it’s just progressed since. My entire body is always inflamed and joints hurt and just pain everywhere. I’ve had blood tests for everything besides specific auto immune type of stuff and everything has turned out fine. Although I just had another one from my PCP and it showed I have high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol. I’ve never had any issues with anything like this before last September.
When my wife developed her chronic pain condition, it was before it was widely known, even by doctors. She had test after test and they couldn’t find anything physically wrong with her, and many didn’t even believe what she was experiencing. That was the worst time. She cried when she got diagnosed, and at first I thought it was because there’s no cure for it and it can get progressively worse, but it turned out to be because she was finally believed and her experience was validated.
So I understand that it really sucks to not know what’s going on with you. Hang in there.
Yeah. That emg a week and a half ago was the first hard evidence since this all started. It was a big relief. I feel so bad for your wife that she didn’t know what was happening and people didn’t believe her and she thought she was making it up. Unfortunately I have a family member who didn’t believe me and said I was making it all up. It was nice to send them a pic of the paperwork and tell em to shove it up their ass. I knew something was wrong with me but I would also catch myself thinking that maybe I just am making it up. It’s so hard when no one knows and you’ve got so many tests and yet nothing. I’m glad your wife got a diagnosis
Ugh, my wife also had some family who thought she was faking, including one of her sons. Family is supposed to be your support network.
Yup family member aka my brother. It sucks