A pretty interesting comparison between old CGI and modern real-time graphics. Very neat to see how technology has progressed.

  • Captain Poofter
    2 years ago

    He says final fantasy 16 is made up of in-game and pre-rendered cutscenes…

    … In other words, CGI.

    I mean obviously the graphics are beautiful but I’m just kind of confused what the point of this video is other than hey look the graphics are better?

    I think I’m just too old for this. The pre-rendered CGI from final fantasy 13 looks better to me than the in game final fantasy 16 footage. I remember when final fantasy 10 first came out and I legitimately was unable to tell the difference between the cutscenes in game and the CGI ones. Boy does that seem silly now. My point is, I don’t think anything is really changed, graphics have just continued to get better and the most current improvement is still difficult to distinguish between in-game scenes just like in the past.