Article by Christopher Cruz

It’s not just video games that dominate the digital airwaves on platforms like Twitch — there’s a huge contingent of viewers who yearn for the old days of pen and paper, with tabletop RPGs making a huge splash virtually in the last few years. In fact, once-niche games like Dungeons & Dragons (which turns 50 this year) have taken on new life in the age of livestreaming, and more popular than ever.

Leading the charge are “actual plays,” podcasts or web shows that feature groups of players creating narratives from their imaginations, without the aid of flashy video game visuals, and their popularity has led to a tabletop resurgence whose audience is now more inclusive and diverse. Spanning the genre mainstays, officially licensed extensions of existing franchises, and even homebrew titles people are making themselves, it’s one of the most unexpectedly engrossing ways to lose yourself online.

But how can watching folks roll dice and making up a story out of thin air be so engaging? Like anything online, it begins with the personalities. With known super geeks Vin Diesel, Joe Manganiello, and Wil Wheaton pushing their favorite hobbies in interviews and YouTube appearances for years, alongside the rise of content creators whose fans hang captive for hours on end, it was only a matter of time before tabletop games took hold of mainstream attention. Most groups in the space, like some of the ones featured below, are comprised of beloved figures of nerdom, from voice actors who dominate the anime and video spaces, to comedians who kill on socials, but what makes actual plays so addictive to watch boils down to what has always made them work. It’s about community.

For those who play, the appeal of games like Dungeons & Dragons has long been sitting down with a group of friends week after week just shooting the shit. It’s a shared experience, limited only by imagination, where people can work together (or against each other) to create worlds and stories that reflect their own desires. It’s a ritual. And nothing describes the rise of livestreaming itself than ritualistic viewing. Think of it as an ongoing audio book that’s written in real time, narrated by a handful of professional friends just having a good time. It’s all the joys of TTRPG without having to manage the rules…

continued on Rolling Stone

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    1 year ago

    Heart of Elynthi is the third livestreamed campaign set in the Lustrous Expanse. It is separate from the two prior Lustrous Expanse campaigns, and takes place 37 years after Belkinus’ Necro Hunt in Year 253. The Dungeon Master is Joseph “JoCat” Catalanello.

    I really want to support this as much as possible because it has been announced that JoCat will be leaving YouTube after finishing the last open projects. There were people hateful enough to harass him, his friends and family outside of YouTube, where he lives. I can’t blame him in the slightest for taking these steps.

    JoCat - GM
    Feltheleb as a Bugbear Barbarian named Buck Baccarat
    PoiBoiPNG as an Aarakocra Ranger named Fritz
    Runesmith as a Kobold Rogue named Wurd
    Red OSP as a Shifter Druid named Laira

    Welcome one and all to the Lustrous Expanse, where magic and monsters, taverns and tarrasques, and yes, even dungeons and dragons are reality. Today I bring a tale off such wonders where a small group of outstanding individuals use their might, their swiftness, their wits, and perhaps even their cunning, to achieve amazing feats.
    Welcome to the Heart of Elynthi
    The year is 253 and to the north east coast lies a kingdom like none else on the continent.
    Home of the Life Tree, Quarencia, the massive natural structure for, as far as history knows, has brought fertility to the land around it, invigorating the plants and animals of the vast locations it’s roots can reach, and even enhancing the magic and health of the people lucky enough to live under its canopy.
    For 300 years, the people of Elynthi have kept it safe from two major threats. The first being that of ‘The Blot’: a unique weather phenomenon named for its oily black liquid form that seems to have a mind of its own, using the carcasses of long dead creatures and broken down structures as its frame. The origins of ‘The Blot’ are unknown as is much else of its nature, but what IS known is that it acts on instinct alone, and, like any dangerous storm, it can be tempered. The second threat to Quarencia that of time itself, for every 10 years the tree is to be given a tribute via five powerful relics to keep its roots alive and healthy. For 15 years, without such feeding, the tree will wilt and die and Elynthi robbed of its splendor. The upkeep of Quarencia has become, not only the duty, but also a tradition called The Draconic Pilgrimmage where five dragons, the individuals that are the kingdom’s most powerful beings, are to bestow their relics, their ‘hearts’, to a traveling band of adventurers in order to bring them all to the Life Tree, Quarencia. A tradition of which it’s beginnings have been tasked to the humble province of Satya where the final bout of a tournament to determine who will be tasked with the quest to feed the life tree takes place.

    • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
      1 year ago

      JoCat is also the creator of a fairly famous video series known as A Crap Guide to D&D covering the game with a sarcastic, but sincere, perspective that found broad appeal. In the episode for and about Dungeon Mastering, many voice cameos are from folks in the live play TTRPG space.

      16:24 MM:“Hey, it’s alright JoCrap, there’s no need to get so hostile. If you just take a moment to talk to the players, I’m sure we can all-”
      Jocat:“Nobody cares, Matt Mercer!” (slaps Matt’s maps (bonus tongue twister!))

      <3 JoCat

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    1 year ago

    There are also shows that cater to more niche demands from fans of the familiar intellectual property that is Dungeons and Dragons. Faster Purple Worm! Kill! Kill! is one such show. The format is short, usually within 30 minutes and a constantly rotating cast of guests. These guests play very low level characters who have the unfortunate luck of meeting legendary end game enemies. This show will likely set a record for having the most deaths and/or longest list of BBEGs. It’s a silly good time.

    It even comes with a warning:

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    1 year ago

    If you like puzzles as much as Deborah Ann Woll, you’ll want to check out her show Children of Éarte. Follow along on the train for the Northland Heritage Line from Gravelhurst Station to the Twin Creek Mining Co., the Town of Hollowvale, along the Black Water Bay to Bellecastle Cap, and the Farnshall Wilds!

    Deborah Ann Woll - GM
    Hope LaVelle as Robin Beckett
    Alicia Marie as Fairuza Armstrong
    Adam Bradford as Silas Jordan
    Lauren Urban as Carolyn ‘Neb’ Stern
    Jennifer Kretchmer as Maeve Flynn

    Now this story is going to begin in a world not unlike our own. Much of it will be recognizable, familiar to all of you.
    You begin on a train station. It’s not very busy. There’s quite a few people coming around. You’ve seen a number of trains coming through the station. It’s a fairly old-fashioned train station. It’s open air, but ti has a high-domed glass roof above it. You can hear some birds outside, but there’s also a little chilll to the air as it is December and winter is upon us.
    You have made your way to the station, found a comfortable seat because you all received a ticket from the Nortland Heritage Line to take the Starlight Special, which is a luxury train trip through the Northern Wildlands. You get to go on exciting excursions. It’s all inclusive with fine dining and you get to learn a little bit about train travel and the history of trains while you are on this trip.
    So, let’s start with all of you on the platform here.

    • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
      1 year ago

      The intro song (Hartley - Fly Free) is part of a royalty-free collection.

      ♪ Bags are packed, are you ready to go?
      This time tomorrow we’ll be on the road.
      Riding with you into sunnier days.
      I wouldn’t want it any other way.
      Taking the good with the ups and downs
      I wanna see how the world turns 'round
      Let’s go adventure in the deep blue sea
      Home is with you, wherever that may be
      Home is with you, wherever that may be♪

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    1 year ago

    There aren’t many, but Initiative Zero runs Palladium Rifts campaigns. It is a mashup of fantasy and cyberpunk elements in ways similar to Shadowrun, and in other ways very different from Shadowrun.

    Initiative Zero is just a bunch of nerds doing what we love to do. We have been gaming together regularly for over a decade and have finally gotten around to recording our games for others to enjoy as well. We play a wide variety of games, and have loads of fun doing it.

    The Face of Evil - Episode 1. Check the comments for handy resources to play your own game.

    darktemplar as Portland, a leyline walker
    Golgotha R. as Sir Lucatus “Luke” Nevita, an Atlantean Cyber Knight
    Taekcu as Senate the Mind Melter
    Vahilo as Lex, the Dog Boy

    So, you’re kind of stuck in this heavy magic area of Southwestern Ontario. From Toronto southward, it has a lot of ley lines but the areas that are pretty saturated with ley lines and Nexus points are Old Detroit and Windsor. Still, there’s enough in Laszlo to do great things there. They have universities of learning. It’s kind of a seat of knowledge and a while and untamed land. And there’s satellite communities around there, as well.
    But that’s kind of where we are. We are at a post-apocalyptic setting, which means that we have what is now today, in our day and age, just, cleared farmland, for the most part. Matter of fact, when the settlers came in there, the Europeans during colonization, they basically burnt the forests. They say you could see the fires and the smoke from Southern Ontario across the Great Lakes in the United States, when they were “clearing” the land. It’s all regrown, though, so if you’re traveling between settlements you’re mostly going to be moving through forest. It was a forested area before it was cleared, and there will be places that are cleared for ranching and for farming, but the vast majority of the landscape is now just forest and in Southern Ontario, from Toronto going south, is what’s known as Carolinian Forest, so it’s a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees, but for the most part it’s deciduous.
    We’re going to be starting in the year 101 PA, which is post-apocalyptic, so it’s been 101 years since The Coalition has established itself and began to say that it’s the time when mankind rose up again from the ashes of the apocalypse. So it’s been about a hundred years and and it’s August, so we’re a little more than halfway through the year.

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    1 year ago

    Pathfinder Second Edition has had a massive resurgence in reaction to the controversy with Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro. Tabletop Gold has been going strong since even before then and is entirely “theater of the mind”, so no visuals on screen.

    Five friends come together to play the greatest RPGs ever created – delivering deep characters, nail-biting combats, and uproarious table talk.
    Our current campaign is The Roots of Ruin, a production of the Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path Abomination Vaults by Paizo Inc.
    Come for the game play, stay for the personal nuggets of gold that every episode delivers!

    In a quiet seaside town, an evil lain to rest centuries ago, has risen.
    An abandoned fortress, deep in the swamp holds a secret that could save save the village or destroy it.
    Now a band of adventurers sets out to dig up the wounds of the past and bring the light of day to:

    The Roots of Ruin

    Lars Casteen - GM
    David Chernicoff as a Human Barbarian (Fury) named Magdaruna Lacewing Skullcrusher
    Zoe Chernicoff as a Kitsune Rogue (Eldritch Trickster) named Ao Ukiyo
    R. Matt Humphreys as an Elf Fighter named Halenhaplovel Vollys
    Robin Lange as a Gnome Bard (Maestro Muse) named Trilfas “Trill” Huttlelob

    It’s a brisk Spring morning and the Giant’s Wheel, Otari’s famous lumber mill is running at full capacity, just as it has for nearly 400 years. As the season’s first blooms appear around town, logs, stripped of their branches, drift lazily down the log flume towards the enormous water wheel that powers the mill.The men and women of the town’s workforce occasionally nudge each log to help it find its way from the flume onto the mechanized treadmill. The logs pass through a series of automated saw blades that each drop down with precision cutting each log smaller and smaller as sawdust rains down into the water below.
    Next, a trio of 20-foot long blades swing back and forth. Their momentum maintained by workers on an elevated platform, who gently nudge them to make sure they cut the wood into evenly-measured, lengthwise pieces. At the end of the mill, the lumber falls easily into a second flume that carries it further down the hill towards Otari’s docks.
    At the waterfront, watching the sunrise as workers lift the wood onto wading ships, is a tall woman, dressed in robes adorned with intricate gold leaf patterns. She pulls her cowl back over her head revealing flowing white hair, two pupil-less eyes, and long pointed ears leading up to a pair of horns rolled back like a ram’s. This tiefling-elf woman is Rin Sivinxi, the proprietor of Otari’s only magical curiosity shop. She turns towards the walking path leading back up the hill through town.
    An hour or so later, Rin is at the entrance to Otari’s most extravagant building a beaufiful waterside temple and library built by the church of Sarenrae, goddess of fire, healing and truth. Her eyes search for a moment and then find a person waiting impatiently for the doors to open. Looking particularly out of place among all of this grandeur…

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    1 year ago

    There is also DesiQuest going on right now. A fantastic dive into a setting with fun and heartfelt references to the rich culture and history of India.

    Desi (/ˈdāsē/) noun: a word used to describe the people, cultures, and products of the Indian subcontinent and their diaspora, derived from Sanskrit देश (deśá), meaning “land, country”.
    DesiQuest (/ˈdāsē kwest/) noun: an epic, culturally authentic Dungeons & Dragons actual-play show with an all Desi cast, game mastered by Jasmine Bhullar, that’ll Fire Bolt your brain and Thunderclap your heart.
    It’s incredibly rare in Los Angeles to create a show with an all Desi cast. We’re usually competing with each other for the one guest spot on shows with a similar format. So, whether you are Desi yourself or not, whether you’re an experienced player or new to D&D, if you want to see more highly skilled and highly engaging faces on screen weaving epic tales, set in a world inspired by mythology and lore from the Indian sub-continent, then DesiQuest is the show for you.

    Jasmine Bhullar - GM
    Anjali Bhimani as Sitara (Druid)
    Omar Najam as Murkha (Artificer)
    Sandeep Parikh as Ash (Cleric)
    Rekha Shankar as Laddoo Auntie (Barbarian)

    Welcome to Vehaar: a one-of-a-kind homebrewed world with Desi culture infused in its DNA with influences drawn from the subcontinent’s rich and storied history. Everything from the Bronze Age Indus Valley civilization to the ancient epics of the Mahabharata inspired the distinct mythos of this universe. While formulating the campaign, Jasmine created a precise cocktail of roleplay, problem solving, mythology exploration, and combat for players to engage in.
    Indian history, especially historical warfare, has been largely ignored by modern pop culture. Current Dungeons and Dragons content is primarily centered in European medieval mythos with Tolkien-esque battles. The idea behind DesiQuest’s creation is to expose our viewers to an Eastern medieval history. To this end, the show draws upon inspirations like the Delhi Sultanate, King Asoka and Alexander the Great’s defeat in India to bring an entirely fresh perspective to the combat side of D&D as well as featuring Desi armor styles, medieval combat and martial customs.

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    1 year ago

    Another live play show is out there that has the support of legends in the Voice Acting community, Natural Six.
    The team recently broadcast an update on Twitch for the early backers on Kickstarter, everyone attempts to imitate Doug’s infamous “Winds…howling” from The Witcher, a reveal of some figurines, an appearance by Sam Lake, and reviewing some of the moments from the Session 0 meetups.

    The cast:
    Harry McEntire is the GM
    Doug Cockle - Kelnys Spoonshaper, a dragonborn druid
    Aoife Wilson - Dolly de Winter, a tiefling bard
    Alex Jordan - I, a kobold rogue
    Hollie Bennet - Endellion Renanne, a human champion fighter
    Ben Starr - Raidion Thornbear, a wood elf wizard

    Here is Harry’s opening to Session 0:
    Welcome to Natural 6. This is session zero of the world of Reliquiae. We’ve rolled our characters, we know who our heroes are, and now it’s time to see how they met.
    Before time.
    Before sound and song, color and light.
    Before mortal memory, a battle raged.
    The gods of Good, Evil, and Chaos, known as ‘TheVirtuous’, ‘The Vile’, and ‘The Wild’ (respectively), fought for control of existence. When this war finally ended, it was ‘The Virtuous’ who triumphed.
    And, being driven by a desire to create, having destroyed for so long, they called into being a world, Reliquiae. A vast and verdant crater, surrounded on all sides by a towering mountain range called the Allanites. A world in which mortality could multiply and flourish. Each of The Virtuous bringing forth a race in their image and imbued with a spark of their divine being.
    So mortality came to be.
    So began a time known as The Immortal Peace. Yet ‘Peace’ has never meant ‘Perfection’. Mortals still lie, cheat, murder, extort and expose one another to terrible cruelty. There are still the hopeless, the desperate, the lost…
    And it’s souls such as these who turn to The Web. A nefarious, shadowy organization that offers protection, procurement, and power at a price. Those who find themselves caught within it’s silken threads may extracate themselves by two methods: By Gold or By Servitude. There are some who bind their families to The Web for generations. So strong is their desire to achieve their ends. Yet, despite the disperate paths that led them there, all agents of The Web are united in the knowledge of one thing: that they are not free until their debt is paid. There is no escape from The Web. For their eyes are as to the stars in the sky, and
    The Web Is Wide.
    Five agents of The Web are moving now in the northeast of the continent. Two days journey from the city of Brack on the edge of the northern swamps.

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    1 year ago

    I must also recommend the podcast Worlds Beyond Number. There is a concerted effort in sound design to draw you in, and I truly enjoyed it. There was also a beautiful return by the GM of the show, Brennan Lee Mulligan, announcing the arrival of his child and thanking the company for Paternity Leave. They’re keeping her actual name private until she can consent to releasing it online. Until then, the little darling is to be called “Sunny”. Below is the introduction to the campaign and the reveal that the previous episodes were an entire Campaign Zero.

    Brennan Lee Mulligan, Lou Wilson, Aabria Iyengar, and Erika Ishii

    Soon, my pretties, we’ll all be listening to The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One, an epic campaign with incredible characters in a verdant, full-sized world handmade by our first dungeon master: Brennan Lee Mulligan.
    We wanted our first story to feel like the perfect home game of D&D, a sprawling world scratched out on graph paper behind the DM screen, characters crafted and pored over with the excitement of a kid opening presents, and most of all: time. Free to adventure in a world of limitless possibility, this surging saga affords us the chance to spend time in these characters and to fully explore, and change, the world. We wanted the kind of game that keeps you and your friends coming back to the table, not for weeks, but for years.
    We think we got it.
    To create these characters and to help build out Brennan’s new setting, we didn’t just roll up new stats on a sheet and hit send, oh no. We played an entire Level 0 campaign, linking every aspect of character creation to the events of the fateful summer when our three protagonists first met. We call this the Children’s Adventure.
    In February we’ll be releasing previews of our main story as well as scenes from the Children’s Adventure, first on our Patreon, then a week later for the public. In March, as the first episodes of The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One are being released to everyone, all our Patrons will receive the entire Children’s Campaign, over 12 hours of play focused on character and world building, all at the edge of that old dark forest, down that little dirt road, by the little cottage with the garden, and the old, mean rooster.
    Over the next two weeks we’ll be sharing more details and first glimpses (!) of the world and the player characters. And then the week after we’ll be dropping the smells of our first setting. Kidding about the smells, but can you imagine?
    Oh and don’t despair that an epic campaign means you won’t be hearing other games, systems, and worlds from us in the meantime. You will, sweet child, oh how you will.