Campaign 3: Bell’s Hells

Campaign 1: Vox Machina

Campaign 2: The Mighty Nein

  • C2E1 Curious Beginnings
  • C2E2 A Show of Scrutiny
  • C2E3 The Midnight Chase
  • C2E4 Disparate Pieces
  • C2E5 The Open Road
  • C2E6 The Howling Mines
  • C2E7 Hush
  • C2E8 The Gates of Zadash
  • C2E9 Steam and Conversation
  • C2E10 Waste and Webs
  • C2E107 Devoutness and Dicks

Exandria Unlimited: Prime

Team Name: The Crown Keepers, The Glitter Shitters, The Odd Lot, or Hot Cross Buns

Exandria Unlimited: Kymal

Team Name: The Crown Keepers

Exandria Unlimited: Calamity

Team name: The Brass Ring

Exandria Unlimited: Divergence

The Lost Wendy's Episode

Feast of Legends: Rise from the Deep Freeze





  • Lladra
    31 year ago

    Handy. Thanks for this

  • @thisisdeeM
    27 months ago

    I’m catching up on C3 and thought, maybe it’s a good idea to create episode threads for older episodes. But thanks to this thread I found that I already created those threads when it was live lol (I’m up to C3E63 now) Thanks @[email protected] !

  • UltragrampsOPM
    8 months ago

    Etymology Lore

    Little note on kaitiaki, It’s not a Mercer original, it’s drawn very directly from Te Reo Māori. I’m from Aotearoa New Zealand, though I’m not Māori myself (just a Pākehā who does her best). Kaitiaki means more appropriately ‘guardian’ and the term it is associated with, kaitiakitanga, refers to the process of guardianship over nature and the environment in accordance with tikanga Māori. While this is about the right sentiment for druids, it’s sort of like greeting people at your local church with the word “priest.” Like, if we accept that they’re crudely using Te Reo Māori as a druidic thing (which, that’s a whole can of appropriative worms along with the divorcing of the concept from tikanga Māori that I shan’t open, they almost certainly chose the term when it was a home game), they are basically just greeting each other by saying “druid.” comment by Reddit user u/AdmiralPegasus

  • UltragrampsOPM
    15 months ago

    Suggested watch list after finishing Campaign 2

    1. ⁠Mighty Nein Reunited - Uk’otoa Saga, the first two parts have no extra context needed, you can watch it immediately after finishing C2.
    2. ⁠EXU Calamity, short 4 part set in the Age of Arcanum, some of the best D&D I’ve ever watched. Broadly unconnected to the main plot but established a ton of world building and laid some seeds for later reveals.
    3. ⁠EXU Prime, original 10 episodes of the EXU series, introduces 3 of the C3 cast with Liam, Ashley and Robbie’s characters, also Matt as a PC.
    4. ⁠C3, you can now start watching the latest campaign up until episode 14, this is when Robbie ended his run as a guest PC.
    5. ⁠EXU Kymal, two part side quest concluding Robbie’s storyline for the time being. None of the main cast are playing PCs but Matt is back to reprise his character from EXU Prime.
    6. ⁠C3, you can go back to the main campaign and you’re staying here for a while, all the way up to episode 51.
    7. ⁠Mighty Nein Reunion, this is where the live show picks up. Immediately after the events of episode 51 we flash over to the Mighty Nein.
    8. ⁠C3, it continues onward to episode 76 at this point and that would mean you’ve caught up.