• @light_mnemonic
    8 months ago

    This is normal in low-oxygen, low-CO2 hypoxia.

    The patient is not conscious during these spasms, and feels no pain.

    EDIT: Nitrogen hypoxia is an instant and painless death experience, because you pass out almost without conscious awareness, the same as if you go under the gas they have at the dentist while counting down from 10 and never remember getting to 1. The difference is that the body’s death is very slow, as the body’s tissues are deprived of oxygen and slowly run out of gas and stall out. As long as the patient continues to not spike in CO2, they will remain unconscious and unaware through the entire process - as necessary and brutal as it is to - you know - stop a body.

    EDIT2: Exercise reasonable doubt when reading the comments below which are calling into question whether the patient ‘gasped for air’ or doubt for some reason that a mask is adequate. 1) The patient held their breath from the nitrogen intake as long as they could. This is the same as you sitting on a dentists chair refusing to inhale the gas. You will quickly suffer the normal heightened discomfort until your brain takes executive control and just makes you to inhale. The patient in this case brought their will right up against that reflex, a miserable experience and one in which I can’t imagine it was a comfortable mental space to be in. Then the inhale reflex kicked in and they nearly instantly lost consciousness. Over the next hour or so their body slowly ceased function, without tripping any of the really scary nervous system alarms. Patient never woke up. 2) A mask is preferred in systems like this because of the inherent safety risk involved for the administers with invisible, body-encompassing volumes of nitrogen. A mask is also totally up to the task, as anyone who’s been put down at the dentist can attest to. These masks also have multiple, multiple added redundancy features which help protect the air seal, as well as post-review-diagnostics. They’re safe. The main concern in this situation is administer training, in the proper handling of the body’s seizures such that the mask isn’t somehow pried off.

    • themeatbridge
      208 months ago

      Except they said he was gasping for air. Nitrogen hypoxia wouldn’t do that, because you’d still be exchanging CO2 and your body wouldn’t recognize the lack of oxygen in the air.

        • Pennomi
          198 months ago

          AND he held his breath as long as he could to avoid inhaling. Really it should be done in a whole room like you said, and at a random time so as to avoid that stressful “last moment” struggle.

          Preferably we don’t execute people at all, no matter how heinous their crimes.

          • @thantik
            -198 months ago

            Preferably we don’t execute people at all, no matter how heinous their crimes.

            I have never understood this philosophy. Human lives are worth so fucking little. Culling ones that are cancerous to society is the same as treating an infected wound. We are not so divine that we somehow must never be removed. Not killing certain people just results in more innocent people being killed.

            • @cucumber_sandwich
              168 months ago

              Culling ones that are cancerous to society

              Holy Holocaust, Batman!

              • @thantik
                -108 months ago

                Murderers, Rapists, etc you pearl-clutcher.

            • Pennomi
              138 months ago

              I think life imprisonment is a perfectly reasonable, if expensive, solution.

            • @[email protected]
              68 months ago

              Not killing certain people just results in more innocent people being killed.

              literally what does this even mean.

              • @thantik
                -48 months ago

                You can’t fathom how killing a serial killer would result in lives saved?

                • @[email protected]
                  58 months ago

                  You can’t fathom how giving the state access to lethal means of punishment won’t result in innocent people being killed?

        • 7heo
          58 months ago

          Not idiots, it was very much an informed decision.

    • @Sconrad122
      -18 months ago

      I’m not doubting anything your saying, but calling someone who is being murdered by the state the patient is icky, even if the methods being used are analogous to those used on patients who are receiving medical care. It also underlines the point that, of course the victim resisted because they were being killed, compared to a dental patient who is willingly undergoing a procedure they can expect to wake up from. Nitrogen hypoxia may be an effective way of administering a humane death to a willing participant, but in some ways giving a false perception of control to the victim (as long as I can hold my breath I won’t die, as obviously futile as that may be) is undermining all of the considerations of physical discomfort that go into describing the process as humane

      • @light_mnemonic
        08 months ago

        Agreed on all points. Patient seemed like the least-biased form of address, but these are situations were bias is very, very hard to overcome.

  • @[email protected]
    568 months ago

    Bro just shoot him if you already do such idiotic things as executions.

    Faster, more Reliable, less suffering, Cheap.

    • 1024_Kibibytes
      268 months ago

      That seems like a good idea. If they really want to execute someone, make the official of the state shoot them on video. I’m guessing capital punishment would be almost zero within 10 years, because nobody wants to be seen as a cold-blooded killer, especially when they know that people could review the video.

      • @[email protected]
        158 months ago

        Nah instead two elections cycles later a candidate will be elected, who will be running ad breaks and monetizing execution videos, all while parading patriotic bullshit.

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        88 months ago

        Yep. Have the governor of the state be the one who has to pull the trigger, since they’re the ones who can stop it.

      • Queen HawlSera
        38 months ago

        This would backfire as you’d see people voting for right wingers more because it’s “Cool and manly to kill people”, you’d also get the foot in the door for legalized bloodsports.

        • 1024_Kibibytes
          28 months ago

          Unfortunately, you’re probably correct, especially humanity’s history of violence.

        • 1024_Kibibytes
          18 months ago

          No. I didn’t watch the show much. I’m unaware of any possible references.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Yes, there was a moment in very beginning about the duke carrying out executions personally and making his sons watch, because that’s his responsibility.

    • @ChonkyOwlbear
      158 months ago

      Just drop 10,000 pound block of concrete from a crane. Fast, painless, and reusable.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Hmm… The question is how reliable it is to hit and how much the operational costs are. I think a bullet is cheaper.

        • @ChonkyOwlbear
          28 months ago

          The thing about a bullet, is someone has to shoot it. The crane could be set on a timer, so nobody has to feel guilty for pulling the trigger.

          • @CoffeeJunkie
            18 months ago

            That’s a thought. 🙂

            Guilt for administering a death has been thought of before; that’s part of the reason why there’s a firing ‘squad’. You have however many people with lethal rounds, and however many people with dummy/blank rounds, so nobody knows for sure whose bullets were live & killed him.

    • Neuromancer
      108 months ago

      I agree. I’m against the death penalty but find it odd people expect it to be “painless” and beautiful.

      You’re killing someone. It sucks. Stop trying to pretend it’s not a brutal senseless act.

  • @ShroOmeric
    258 months ago

    Crazy how americans love to shoot each other for any reason, but would never shoot for death penalty. Weird.

    • muse
      128 months ago


      4 states still use it. 2 have considered switching to it within the last year

      • @ShroOmeric
        8 months ago

        Oh good, why not all of them? I mean its not worse than other methods…

          • @ShroOmeric
            58 months ago

            Well that’s true, but I guess the comfort of the poor soul getting shot has the priority… but yeah, never considered the afterward…

        • Neuromancer
          18 months ago

          If I was going to be executed. I’d want firing squad. Don’t make it pretty. Let the world see the barbaric act.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Hmmm I choose death by tweezers, long excruciating and messy. That or a clowder of small but viciously hungry kittens to make me into a fancy feast.

            • quicklime
              8 months ago

              I thought it was a clowder of cats but a mewling of kittens. Maybe viciousness qualifies for clowder status.

  • Queen HawlSera
    218 months ago

    Bro at this point, just fucking shoot them…

    Or better yet, how about we don’t kill people as a form of legal punishment in any decade officially taking place after the middle ages?

  • @Mannimarco
    208 months ago

    Awww did it make the poor people witnessing someone get killed a little uncomfortable? Ooh noooo how teeerible

    • 7heo
      18 months ago

      I’m guessing the actual problem is with a method allegedly killing painlessly in minutes being “tweaked” to kill with maximum prejudice in the longest possible time… Knowing humans as I know humans, I don’t think the “witnesses” would be in any discomfort seeing exactly what they came to see.

    • @[email protected]
      98 months ago

      Nitrogen hypoxia is humane for the person dying (if done right), just maybe not for the spectators. You just lose consciousness and never wake up.

      They fucked up by using a mask instead of a chamber.

  • @aksdb
    128 months ago

    I hope they investigate and publish details. Nitrogen was supposed to be painless - it’s used for suicide capsules after all. So I wonder what went wrong here.

    • chaogomu
      258 months ago

      The asshats at the prison decided that nitrogen was a deadly poison and used a respirator setup that recirculated the exhaled CO2.

  • @fox2263
    8 months ago

    Why is there only like lethal injection for killing someone.

    Surely this was a bad idea, and is there not a million other ways to do it?

    Carbon monoxide? Let them fall sleep and just fucking die like they always tell us to be careful of with gas at home.

    Or any of the myriad of poisons and toxins out there that causes instant death.

    What about that damn fish from Japan. Surely better than this spectacle plastering the news.

    I mean there’s god damned suicide booths out there in some country, why not bring one of them in!

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      Nitrogen is way better than CO. They just fucked up the delivery system, as government usually finds a way to fuck up somehow.

      The problem with injections is they have to use a mishmash of different drugs because no drug company wants to have their products associated with executions and everybody reacts differently to drugs so you can’t predict how long or how violently it might result in.

      Everyone reacts the same to nitrogen gas though, it’s predictable and peaceful and cheap as long as you do it right. One theory I heard was that they used a mask which was a closed system so he was able to breath his own breath for a long time since you don’t use all the oxygen in every breath. They should have had a system where each breath is expelled out from the mask and in from the nitrogen source, like a back flow stop valve or something.

      • @fox2263
        18 months ago

        I see. Thanks for the explanation