Lips and assholes, in portable, convenient disc form!
Hold the lips, please!
You get extra lips now
Seriously, though, pan fry your (beef!) bologna in butter until it gets brown and crispy and it’ll change your life. Meat candy that punches way above its weight.
I fuckin guess
Poor Italians, luckily most of them will never know what this monstrocity is called in the US.
Tbf honest in some other languages it’s called smg like “Parisian”, but the French at least deserve it…
parisian gang rise
To be fair, Mortadelle Della Bologna is much the same if you buy the cheapest, nastiest shit you can find
Fortunately this is not the case, Mortadella has to have “big” chunks of fat in it unlike what you see in the picture.
Said that, I’ve seen seen some abominations that made me wonder if it was even legal to label it as human food (I’m exaggerating :D)
In German it’s called “Meat-sausage” or Lyoner
Gelbwurst 🫠
Unexpected Jack Johnson.
Glad this reference wasn’t lost
Just whip up a bowl of hotdog batter
By this logic olive loaf is kinda like pancakes with raisins or chocolate chips
I’m no theologian, I’m not sure exactly who or what bologna is…, but I do know this. It was never actually meant for human consumption. Maybe for plugging up gopher holes in your yard, but that might also be a sin.
Those aren’t hotdog pancakes. Those are Newfie Steaks. Fry some up today, thick cut, with some mashed potatoes and peas straight from the can.
May I introduce you to hot dog bread?
They sure taste different, but neither is good.
Sometimes a thought should stay in your head
I’ve yet to find one that should
This one is borderline.