• @chillhelm
    8 months ago

    While I like the focus of Holdfasts spending, it’s still a bad precedent to set.

    Not only is this fuel for all the pizzagate-bezos-conspiracy nuts, it is also just green washed corporate control over public policy.

    Better Holdfast and the Choutiers than the Kochs, but at the end of the day, we’ll have to eat the Choutiers too.

    • @Chestnut
      38 months ago

      I both support Patagonia and am glad they’re doing this and think that they shouldn’t be able to. It amplifies the voice of the rich in an undemocratic way and ideally the system would be set up in a way that this wouldn’t be possible but even if you don’t like the game you have to play if you want to win.