• @Mr_Blott
    371 year ago

    How many pairs of Adidas tracksuit bottoms do you own?

    • @[email protected]OP
      221 year ago


      None, but I’m not like the majority here 🤣. They’re the most common household leg wear item around here.

      I wear baggy pants, always have, always will.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    What’s the one thing you would want your average global citizen to know about the balkans?

    Is there somewhere else you eventually want to live?

    When people say they want to Balkanize _ does that bother you?

    Who would win in a fight, a hot dog or a taco?

    • @[email protected]OP
      1 year ago

      What’s the one thing you would want your average global citizen to know about the balkans?

      Don’t trust anyone fom here, you’re bound to get screwed at one point or another.

      Is there somewhere else you eventually want to live?

      Yes, preferably somewhere colder, like Canada, Sweden, Norway. Not Russia, cuz the mentality and the people are basically the same as here.

      When people say they want to Balkanize _ does that bother you?

      I have no idea what that means, it’s the first time I’ve heard that term, could you explain what it means?

      Who would win in a fight, a hot dog or a taco?

      IDK, we don’t have tacos here, we have gyros.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        Balkanize as a verb just means to break up into several smaller states, often but not always based off common culture/language/religion, similar to what happened to both Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Yugoslavia.

          • @[email protected]
            91 year ago

            It was first used after the first world war to describe what had happened to the region post Austria-Hungary and Ottomans/the balkan wars that preceded ww1. Darkly humorous that the balkans themselves have been balkanized more than once, though.

            • @[email protected]OP
              81 year ago

              More than once, ha 🤣. I don’t think anyone keeps count 🤣.

              There have been wars here since forever. It’s a crossroad that connects South-East Asia with Europe.

  • @z00s
    141 year ago

    In what ways is it godforsaken?

    • @[email protected]OP
      131 year ago

      Oh, I could go in details, but I don’t currently have time, so I’ll be short: politics, corruption, air polution, environment polution, inflation, salaries, prices, comodities… there’s a lot more. Feel free to ask about any of these in particular, I’ll answer a bit later in the evening 😉.

        • @[email protected]OP
          141 year ago

          Well, let’s start with the political issues. Almost every politician here claims that they’ve never taken a cent from the state, when in fact, they have bluntly stolen, and in some cases, they don’t even hide it. This goes regardless of left and right wingers, they’re all the same, just different flavors of the same thing. What’s worse, they have the courts in their pockets, so their cases never even make it to trial… or if they do, they’re given a slap on the wrist, nothing more. Corruption rules here. You don’t ask “when can I schedule an MRI scan” because you’ll probably be dead by the time your number comes up, you ask “how much do you want to schedule my MRI in the next week”.

          Next, we analyze the people. There were truly intelligent people here, people that you could make interesting conversations with for hour Unfortunatelly, one of two things happened to them. They either died or moved abroad. Basically the only ones left now are the party cock suckers, cuz they get to be on roll to get a state job (you practically can’t get fired from state employment here, you’d have to burn down the office building or something like that to get fired). As you probably presume, these people are not very bright and mostly care about the basic animal needs: eat, sleep, get fucked once in a while, have kids, raise the kids, make small talk with your neighbours, etc. While there is nothing wrong with being like that (many people are), the problem is, there can never be enough critical mass to actually start doing something about the oligarh politicians and try and overthrow them. Plus an oposition is not really an oposition if you’re basically the same as the other guy, just with a somewhat different mind set (I say it’s dark gray, you say it’s blackish). So, it’s a perpetual problem that has no solution.

          Basically, most of the other problems just boil down to bad leadership and 30+ years of it. Not everyone on the Balkans has those problems. Take Slovenia for example, it’s doing great 👍. But, while the rest of us down south were under the Ottoman empire for 5 centuries, Slovenia was under Austro-Hungary. It’s just not the same… we were blinded during the renesans, Slovenia had front row seats. I’m not saying nothing is our own fault, it most definitely is, but I’m just trying to give a little perspective of why things turned out so different for Slovenia and (mostly) Croatia.

          • @[email protected]
            71 year ago

            I’m in the group that escaped. Never been happier. Almost everyone who are still in the balkans are those “party animals”, but there are few who just can’t leave. Maybe because of bussiness, maybe because of money. But I feel bad for them all.

            • @[email protected]OP
              51 year ago

              I can’t leave 😔. Life decisions that I regret to this day.

              But, things are what they are, might as well make the best of it, right 🤷.

          • @z00s
            31 year ago

            Damn man that sounds rough. Having to bribe someone to get a medical appointment sounds like hell :(

            • @[email protected]OP
              1 year ago

              Yeah, what about bribing someone to get a new vehicle license (the old one was about to expire). Happend to me. It’s my right as a citizen to have one if I passed the driving test, right? Yes, it is, but you’re gonna wait 5 months to get it done. Why? Well, we just don’t have that plastic that the licenses are made out of. Why don’t you get some more? Yeah, see, that’s a problem… the prime minister owns the company that imports those for us, but we haven’t updated the agreement cuz he didn’t like the ammount of extra cash for nothing on the annexes, so… yeah, we’re kinda low on those.

              In the end, I just bribed someone to get my license in a week instead of waiting for 4, 5 months.

              The problem is, this is the norm. It’s not an exception, it’s the norm.

              • @z00s
                21 year ago

                How much do you usually have to pay for a bribe?

                • @[email protected]OP
                  1 year ago

                  Depends on what the favour is, how hard it is to obtain (taking into account the way this system works) and how important it is to you or your wellbeing.

                  Fo administrative stuff, anywhere between 50€ and 200€. For medical stuff, usually a lot higher. I had to bribe the doctor that was leading my wife’s pregnancy to get “extra care”. Basically, she doesn’t throw you under the rug like the rest of the patients (quick checkups, reschedules checkups quite frequently, does a 30 second ultrasound, done deal) and really takes care of the person in question and the baby. That cost me 500€. It may not look like a lot to most westerners, but for comparison 500€ was my monthly salary at the time. So, yeah, that is expensive for people that live here.

                  Other procedures like surgeries usually cost a lot more. Depends on the surgery and how complicated it is, so anywhere between 1K€ and 15, 20K€. Again, this is expensive for our standard. People usually sell aprtments or houses in order to cover these “bills”.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              I’d like to add that there are problems with me, that either just didn’t got found, or haven’t been done anything about until I move out. of the balkans. So even if you get an appointment, don’t expect much healthcare.

              • @[email protected]OP
                21 year ago

                Yeah, that too.

                So it’s basically a bribe for the appointment, a bribe for the doctor, a bribe for the person interpreting the results… it never ends 😔.

            • @z00s
              11 year ago

              Sorry that happened to you, I hope you find a way to get them sorted out

    • @[email protected]OP
      161 year ago

      Not good. We used to have great weed, hell, hemp grows on streets here, the weather is perfect for that, but then they killed the cannabis plant industry (as an industrial plant, ropes, clothes, stuff like that) and everything went downhill from there. We only have imported now… unless you grow your own that is… just don’t brag about it.

    • @kuneho
      31 year ago

      hit or miss & got pretty expensive.

    • @[email protected]OP
      111 year ago

      Meeh, could be better… colder I mean. It’s like 10°C right now. I like it colder, but people here usually like it warmer, like 20°C above, to about 30, then they start bitching about how hot it is.

      • @rustyfish
        61 year ago

        Same in Germany. I think that’s an international issue.

        • @[email protected]OP
          61 year ago

          Yeah, like people make up your god damn mind, summer comes, you’re too hot, winter comes you’re too cold. Just take a pick, which one doesn’t bother you as much and stop bitching about it.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            The answer is late spring or early fall but late spring is when the bugs come out around here so that’s wasted too

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Same, fall is my favourite season (here in Canada). Sweater weather. You can always take a layer off (take off your sweater) or put a layer on (put on a jacket). Probably around 15°.

  • @Agent641
    51 year ago

    What cheeki’s your breeki the most about Balkanistan?

  • tiredofsametab
    41 year ago

    How many languages do you speak? How many did your grandparents speak? How many do your children (or theirs) speak (if you have any)?

    • @[email protected]OP
      1 year ago

      Two, my native and English, though I do understand Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian perfectly as well. I do speak them, but not as good as English.

      My grandpareents… IDK, probably 3 I guess… tops. Slovenian, Serbian, Macedonian. My granma from my mother’s side also knew a little Turkish and was quite fluent in German (she was in a labour camp during WWII). My kid is little, like 4, he speaks Macedonian and some English (words only, not sentences).

      • tiredofsametab
        1 year ago

        Interesting! Thank you for answering. I’ve met folks from around the bulkans and many speak a few lancuages

        Edit: also, the Balkans. Spelling > me

        • @[email protected]OP
          21 year ago

          Well, yeah, our local ones, we do usually, at least, understand what our neighbours are saying (Albanian is an exception, it’s not a slav language), and English nowadays. Used to be French or Russian back in the day, in the 60s, but at the end of the 60s, Yugoslavia had a good thing going with the US and a lot of things got centered towards the US, including culture (there was a hippy movement in Yugoslavia as well, not to mention YU rock, that’s a subgenre on it’s own) and which foreign languages were taught in school. English became the default at the end of the 60s, begining of the 70s.

  • @Motorheadbanger
    31 year ago

    Do you notice any gentrification following the Russians fleeing the war? Or any other changes, positive or negative?

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      What war? As far as I know, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is still ongoing (I don’t watch the news much).

          • @Motorheadbanger
            41 year ago

            Okay, let me rephrase that. I’m asking about Russian people who fled the regime and mobilization

            • @[email protected]OP
              1 year ago

              Oh, and moved here? There aren’t many as far as I know. Why would there be, if I was gonna leave, why go somewhere where it’s more or less the same. Shitty economy, shitty politics… if I was gonna trade up, might as well trade up for something a lot better. So my guess is, they went to western countries mostly.