Referring to this.


“Game theory”, in economics, refers to “how do you maximize your profits?”, in a theoretical way. Therefore it is greed theory. It should be called as such. The term “game theory” should be reserved for the study of Zelda, or eggs/sperm cells if one so wants.

  • @RedAggroBest
    588 months ago

    Bad post. Game theory describes a natural pattern towards a most efficient solution for all parts. Its just a math theory that helps predict results.

    And why Harold? Just because he’s on a PC? There are better formats for this in the first place, even if it made sense.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      Yeah, game theory is abused in economics but it’s probably the only useful thing associated with capitalist apologetics. The problem with the use of game theory within economics is the fact that it’s using an overtly simplified model that doesn’t actually reflect humans.

      Corporations, however, are amoral manifestations of greed pure greed so they generally can be modeled pretty well with simple models in a lot of situations.

      Game theory has a lot of applications outside of markets. One cool fact about game theory is that chimpanzees have a more intuitive understanding of it than humans. So it kind of looks like we either lost that for some reason (like… That it’s not as necessary for us as we developed more collectivist tendencies) or we actually evolved away from that (that is, there’s some evolutionary benefit for us to actually be bad at game theory).

  • @[email protected]
    218 months ago

    ? Economic game theory is “how do you maximize your profits while understanding everybody else is also trying to maximize their profits and their strategies have an effect on how well yours works”. Game theory is used in everything from economics to traffic to understand individual strategies in different environments. It’s a weirdly specific cog in the orphan crushing machine to take issue with

    • Neato
      58 months ago

      It’s also inherent in evolution and life competition. And the resounding lesson life has learned is that it’s always better to cooperate.

      Hence why social animals exist.

    • @[email protected]OP
      -188 months ago

      Well it’s the philosophical backbone behind a lot of decisions that management makes.

      “If the company does X, the people will respond with Y, and that will earn us Z money. So we do it, even though it’s unethical.”

      So I guess that it’s an important part to take an issue with.

        • @AlphaAutist
          118 months ago

          It’s like getting mad at math because rich people use it to count money

          • @[email protected]OP
            -78 months ago

            Yeah, I do math too, and math is wonderful. I’m not angry at math. I just wanted to point out that the tool can be bent in evil ways, and we should be wary about that.

        • @RedAggroBest
          98 months ago

          Yea, OP missed that if it needs a rename, it would be as Efficiency Theory. In virology for example, game theory outlines how the flu and other viruses get less deadly over time since a just kinda sick person spreads disease better than the dead or deathly ill.

          • @[email protected]OP
            -88 months ago

            I agree with you, and I just wanted to point out how, in earlier times, greed was consideres as something abhorrent, while in modern times, it is well-embraced.

            The thinking “how do I be most successful”, however, has a lot in common with greed. And game theory describes exactly that. Capitalism is just the practical aspect of greed. Saying that viruses get less dangerous over time is correct, still they are more dangerous than no virus at all.

  • @[email protected]
    98 months ago

    Literally linked to the wiki that debunks the claim.

    Game theory has been APPLIED to economics; often misinterpreted.

    Greed ,in our late stage capitalist environment, IS the sin that will doom us, however, pushing people away from ideas that can better explain conflict and collaboration doesn’t help.

    Hell, in my opinion, game theory’s largest contribution is in support of the theory of evolution, which, some how politically, flies in the face of actual ignorance.

  • @randomdeadguy
    88 months ago

    But that’s just a theory…


  • Neato
    88 months ago

    Cooperation with retaliation and forgiveness. It’s how the world works. If economists haven’t figured that out yet that’s really on them.