On Tuesday, Michael Delahaut, who lives across the street, said he was watching police raid the buildings. To the 54-year-old, who has been in the L.A. graffiti scene since the 1980s, the creation outside his window was no nuisance — it was more like waking up and finding a masterpiece had been installed in his living room.
“It would’ve taken hundreds of writers, tens of thousands of cans. It’s amazing,” he said. “I’ve been able to witness a lot of graffiti movement moments, but this might be the biggest.”
That must have been so great to watch. I love graffiti. Not just someone writing their tag in pen, that’s just low-effort shit. Real graffiti where someone has taken time to make something beautiful? I love it. And there is so much beauty on those buildings where there was just waste before.
From the article:
“That’s every single kid in this city just putting their name down, showing they exist and taking the city back.”
Same as it ever was
As long as we all have to look at a stupid unfinished building, I say this is free game
That must have been so great to watch. I love graffiti. Not just someone writing their tag in pen, that’s just low-effort shit. Real graffiti where someone has taken time to make something beautiful? I love it. And there is so much beauty on those buildings where there was just waste before.
Seems like the archive paywall bypass has been nerfed. Work for anyone else?
The "Web archive’s" extension works well here with archive.is as the source.
Heres the article.
Is there a Lemmy client with a domain filter? I’m sick of the constant spamming of articles from these irreputable clickbait outlets.
Ah yes, the multi-Pulitzer-winning Washington Post. An irreputable clickbait outlet.
Admittedly, it’s nowhere near as trustworthy as Newsmax or Brietbart, but not every site can be those, can it?
No one cares
Well, that’s certainly not true. Domain filtering was a central feature of RES. Quite a lot of people cared about it.