I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but it’s crazy to me too when I say I’m playing The Finals exclusively.
I just find it so much fun. Embark are doing such a great job tweaking things and reacting to community feedback on a weekly basis. There are about 30 days left in the battle pass and I’m almost done with it. I haven’t bought it yet and only will if I beat it since it gives more coins than it costs to buy. So the $20 I gave to Embark already will essentially stay in my wallet. They also recently increased the XP gain in the game by about 50% so it might be good for others to hop back in if the BP felt unattainable.
If I am able to finish the BP, then I’ll be going back to Spider-Man 2 or starting Jusant.
What about all of you? What are you gaming plans for the week?
Elden Ring. 20 hours in and most of it is me getting side tracked. So many points of interest.
Still making my way through FF VII Remake and I’m really enjoying it.
I only played VII a couple years back and it never really “clicked” for me, but Remake is way more up my alley!Rollerdrome. The art style is nice, gameplay is a wonderful combination of roller skating and combat. Difficult, very satisfying.
Helldivers 2 was the sleeper hit I wasn’t expecting! Watched the Kindafunny review and enjoyed the gameplay. Had some PS credit and figured $40 ain’t bad! I’m so hooked! Been playing with my best friend who’s playing on the opposite side of the world and we’re giggling like we are 9 again! Even playing solo or with randos is fun!
Also, I just posted and pinned a discussion thread here to get some people talking! Feel free to hop in there and share your thoughts!
Just replied!
I’ve spent all day today watching reviews, interviews, and gameplay and it looks amazing. I’m def gonna pick it up, but since I don’t know if I’ll be able to convince my friends, I might wait until they roll out the fix for public match making before I do.
FYI, matchmaking was working for me yesterday on PS5 post update. I’d get the occasional disconnect when trying to join, but it worked 85% in comparison to 0% on Thursday/Friday. Really fun jumping in with 4 randoms and tackling the side missions. My PS4 headset is dying, so I’m waiting for the new Pulse to arrive, I don’t usually do voice with random matchmaking, but I’m open to it with this game and it feels like a necessity. Hoping PlayStation invests in server improvements for the game considering the high number of concurrent players at launch!
That’s great news! I’ve been out of the house all day, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it, which for me means if I don’t buy it I won’t be able to get it out of my head. So I pulled the trigger and have it downloaded and ready to go. I probably won’t even get to play tonight, but now I can relax knowing my decision has been made.
Now I just need to finish the Finals Battle pass before I get sucked into HD. I’m too close to the end to stop now