• wakestOP
      811 months ago

      I dont want billionaires getting involved either but its probably to lemmys advantage to have some control over the narrative

  • roux is a lib
    1511 months ago

    I would like to wish all the social media oligarchs a kindly fuck right off.

    Seriously if I wanted shitty ass social media I would still have a Twitter and Facebook account.

  • @pacology
    1011 months ago

    Wow! He really got one of the short usernames reserved for founders on that platform too.

  • wakestOP
    711 months ago

    Jack reposted this description of Lemmy as well

    • @[email protected]
      1011 months ago

      I wonder why this person has an issue with… too much choice? I find it hard to relate to that mentality, despite being very busy with work and family myself.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      That description is very fair. Hopefully as Memmy and other Lemmy apps progress, we will have more and easier moderation tools for users (rather than relying on admins).

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      I think this, especially the second issue, is something the Fediverse (Lemmy in particular) will have to work through at some point.

      If Reddit bans a subreddit on a controversial subject, it’s banned, it’s gone. But if a Lemmy instance defederates with another instance for hosting controversial content, you just find another instance that doesn’t.

      I think the real issue is with federation in general and the creation of bubbles: there is a certain subset of users who just want full federation and full visibility, including sites that host lolicon, fascism, and other problematic content. Even if they aren’t, say, fascists themselves, but just free-speech absolutists. The issue is that any instance that doesn’t defederate with, say, Fascist instances, is tainted, either by association (“this instance refused to defederate from fascist instances, so we’re defederating from them too”) or because problem users are attracted to it (“people in our comment sections from this instance have been defending fascism, so we’re defederating to keep them out”).

      And there really isn’t a good solution to the issue, aside from hosting your own tiny client-only server.

      • link
        511 months ago

        This has been the dynamic on Mastodon for years now, and I don’t think it is really a problem. Framing the problem itself as “free speech” vs. “censorship” itself is often used as a fascist canard when it is really a matter of the freedom of association. Communities choose who to associate with and who not to associate with. Moderation, to prevent harassment and abuse, to keep the discussion on topic, to remove illegal content, is a very NORMAL thing. It starts with small tools like temp-bans from communities, and increases in scale to permanent bans from instances, or de-federation if an instance proves to be a continuous torrent of abuse.

        There are a lot of cases of genuine censorship which take place on commercial platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, but these “free speech extremists” are always more concerned about whether or not they can use slurs and spew blood libel than they are about what happened to r/BlueLeaks.

      • people_are_cute
        111 months ago

        Simple solution is to let it resolve by itself with some govt help.

        Most of the problematic content you’ve mentioned is also illegal (hate speech, defamation, minor porn, etc) in democratic countries. Simply report the server hosting that to its countries’ authorities and the fediverse should be cleansed of it. I doubt there are many servers being hosted out of countries with mechanisms so broken that they’ll allow unrestricted access to highly illegal/harmful things on public forums.

        The threat of lawful persecution should be enough for deterrence.

  • @[email protected]
    211 months ago

    Interesting, I didn’t know about mostr and that you can reply on mastodon. Apparently the replies aren’t mirrored back to nostr.

    • wakestOP
      211 months ago

      the replies are indeed mirrored back. but the way nostr works you have to have a relay on that side to see it so not everyone sees all the replies

  • @7teslapony
    211 months ago

    Maybe doing his part to drive traffic, no? Or stir the pot dunno.

  • wakestOP
    111 months ago

    Also tried to load this post directly into Lemmy from the Mostr.pub bridge but it didn’t work. I dont know why but dont want to tag the author of the bridge software cause they are a fuckhead

  • Debian Guy
    111 months ago

    My thought process in this post reddit world:

    • reddit: love you and hate you
    • threads: who the fuck are you
    • bluesky: no
    • nostr: no
    • mastodon: you’re cool, but will not participate