Houston lawsuit seeks to halt looming “Death Star” bill

  • @[email protected]
    501 year ago

    If Texans could grow a pair and actually start voting. Team red is no longer in the majority, I’m sure of it. The only thing holding the state back is voter apathy.

    • @LuckyLemor
      551 year ago

      The only thing holding the state back is voter apathy.

      Don’t forget the rampant voter suppression.

    • 丂イ乇尺レノ刀ム
      221 year ago

      That and they purposely make it difficult to vote down here to dissuade people even more from voting. I do my part every time to try to get these pieces of garbage out, and somehow it just stays the same. It’s so frustrating.

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        1 year ago

        I’m a leftist in a red area. I waited 5 minutes to vote. There were dozens of voting booths, just as many volunteer workers, and it’s a relatively unpopulated area. The only reason I even had to wait was because two or three people ahead of me there was an argument about needing ID. There were also three or four voting locations within a 15 minute drive.

        My buddy lives downtown. The entire city only had a few voting locations. It was a two hour wait, for like six voting booths. It was also outside of downtown proper, and was a 30 minute walk away from the nearest rail line.

        They know that people won’t want to wait longer than their lunch break. They know that people in the city don’t have cars, and will rely on the train to get where they’re going. Yeah, voter suppression is in full swing.

      • @[email protected]
        -31 year ago

        It’s really not that difficult. You’ve usually got at least a week of early voting available.

        • @Soulg
          131 year ago

          It’s very different depending on where you live. It’s easy for me to vote too, but that doesn’t make ye problems elsewhere imaginary.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Don’t forget all the fifth-columnists who keep on trying to convince young people that voting can’t change anything. They’re desperate to push that ideal, and why not? It’s worked for decades.

  • Baron Von J
    291 year ago

    How people can see laws like this and then scoff at hearing “the cruelty is the point” is beyond me.

    • finder
      191 year ago

      Because they have not experienced the cruelty of what they are supporting. . . yet. The moment they do, they’ll cry and whine that it’s affecting them.

      See Florida stopping permanent alimony and the blow back from Republicans that are shocked it’s affecting them.

      • HandsHurtLoL
        11 year ago

        I just left two massive comments over on that thread explaining why the Florida law is problematic despite parts of it sounding common sensical.

        • Drusas
          11 year ago

          I’ve been online way too much over the past couple days, and I haven’t even come across any posts about that. Was that here on the fediverse? If so, apparently I need to find some more communities.

            • CommunityLinkFixerBotB
              11 year ago

              Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using an URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]

              • HandsHurtLoL
                11 year ago

                Quickly adding that !politics is a different place than /m/politics, which is on kbin.social. /m/politics is not very active, and I recently created a post to generate interest in finding moderators because there are 2 major alt-right assholes over there who are posting frequently and are like 30% of all the threads created there.

                • @WhiskyTangoFoxtrot
                  21 year ago

                  The funny thing is that alt-right assholes is virulently anti-Trump and pro-DeSantis. It’s hilarious seeing them tie themselves up in knots trying to justify why Trump’s flavour of alt-right bullshit is bad but DeSantis’ nearly identical flavour is good.

                • Drusas
                  1 year ago

                  I could probably manage to be a temporary moderator with how much I’m online lately. I certainly like to report alt right assholes, so blocking them or removing their content isn’t far off.

                  Don’t know that I can say I can do it long-term, however. Especially if it becomes very big.

                  Edit: I myself am on kbin.social, but I subscribe to duplicate magazines/communities on other instances.

                • CommunityLinkFixerBotB
                  11 year ago

                  Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using an URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]

  • @FoxyWaffles42
    1 year ago

    GOP, the party of death and destruction . Trying to take us back to a 3rd world country

  • @Thorosofbeer
    -221 year ago

    From the title alone you can tell this article is going to be sensationalist because the law doesn’t “ban” water breaks. That’s not even a mistake it is an intentional lie to make it sound worse.

    • coffeetest
      231 year ago

      Maybe you’d like to explain then.

      “Once HB 2127 goes into effect in September, local ordinances mandating water breaks for workers outdoors in cities across the state, which the Observer writes contributed to a “significant decrease in annual heat-related illnesses and heat deaths,” will be overturned and localities will be barred from passing new ones.”

      • CrazyEddie041
        141 year ago

        I mean, teeechnically he’s still right. It doesn’t ban water breaks, it bans mandating water breaks. Companies are still free to give people breaks, but not because they’re legally required to. All that being said… for all intents and purposes, it’s a water break ban.

      • @EtherWhack
        51 year ago

        I think they are meaning that it removes the requirement to give water breaks, doesn’t ban them, but leaves if they are actually allowed to the employer (of which could now penalize the employee if they wanted)

        • keeb420
          41 year ago

          and we all know in capitalism employers always act in the best interest of their employees and never abuse them or anything.