• FartsWithAnAccent
    11 months ago

    Vertical foregrip on a short barrel shotgun?

    ATF wants to know Christ’s location

      • @[email protected]
        2011 months ago

        You need to get a federal permit (costs ~$300 per permit) for each of those features.

        So maybe.

        • @Podunk
          711 months ago

          Cant tell if there is a shoulder stock on that one. Technically speaking, if it doesnt, and was manufactured with the shortened barrel longer than 12 inches, but less than 18 inches, it could fall in the AOW, any other weapon category under the nfa act of 1936 , and therefore not require a permit for anything. The vertical foregrip may require a 200 dollar tax stamp as an adittion. The legality is a gray area.

          If it has a shoulder stock, it is a sbs, short barrel shotgun. And requires a 200 dollar tax stamp. The addition of the vertical foregrip may or may not require a second 200 dollar tax stamp, depending on origional classification and configuration.

          Tl,dr: american gun regulations make no sense at all.

          • @[email protected]
            311 months ago

            Are the tax stamps still only $200 each? I thought they got upped to $300 a few years back.

            But yeah, definitely agree that regulations feel more arbitrary than objective in how they’re implemented.

            • @Podunk
              211 months ago

              The nfa has not increased the price of the tax stamp since its implementation in 1937. At that time, the stamp essentially doubled the price of a machine gun. And people quit buying them because of that. If the tax stamp had kept up with inflation, the cost of a tax stamp for an nfa firearm would be well over 4 thousand dollars now. The cheapest machinegun a civillian can buy now however, will cost you over 10 thousand dollars, in addition to the tax stamp.

              • @[email protected]
                111 months ago

                …now that’s some weird economics.

                It’s my understanding that there’s minimal additional machining to take a typical rifle to “machine gun” status. Is it, like, demand that drives the price up like that?

                • @Podunk
                  311 months ago

                  No machine guns manufactured after 1986 can be legally owned by a civillian. Part of the firearm owners protection act. Previous laws in the mid sixties and the aformentioned laws put in place in 1934 had already diminished the overall count of legally transferable machine guns by a huge margin. At this point, because of supply and demand, a fully transferable machine gun can cost anywhere between 10k and 80k, depending on a whole host of facors. Normally mabufacturer, model, and condition.

                  And you are right, making a machine gun is cheap. Converting an existing rifle is even easier. With wire from a coat hanger, the internet, and twenty minutes anyone can make an ar15 fully automatic. The thing is, no one does that, because the penalties are severe and despite what the media shows on tv, most gun crime in the united states is carried out by small caliber pistols. But thats a conversation for another thread.

                  Fun fact, if you want to legally own a rpg, and can pass the background checks, its all yours. Its just ungodly expensive and it also requires a 200 dollar tax stamp. And each projectile requires the same background check and individual tax stamp. I imagine you can guess how hard those are to come by, and how much attention your address would get after trying that.

        • littleblue✨
          111 months ago

          Short barrel? $300 permit.

          Fore hand-grip? $300 permit.

          Vertical? $300 permit.

          Sheeeyit. I’ve been a criminal most my life? Hot damn!

  • @EdibleFriend
    3211 months ago

    That…That can’t be real. Please tell me this is a parody. I mean i know this is basically half the GOP platform but…she can’t have really just put it that way, right?

  • @gmtom
    2311 months ago

    Can someone tell me why “christians” in the US are so obsessed with Jesus instead of god? Like most other places I’ve been Christians tend to worship God directly.

    • @KoalaUnknown
      1011 months ago

      I think it’s less of a Christian thing and more of a Protestant thing, particularly Baptist. Catholics aren’t as obsessed with Jesus.

    • @hydrospanner
      811 months ago

      They’re all about God too, but it seems intuitive that they’re also specifically interested in Jesus too since he’s the one that literally sets them apart from other religions.

      Like… he’s literally the “Christ” in “Christian”…kinda makes sense that they’d be all about him.

      • @[email protected]
        1011 months ago

        To clarify though they’re only interested white Jesus, not to be confused with brown Jesus.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Depending on what sect of Christianity you belong to, you either believe that Jesus was God’s son or that Jesus was actually God in a human body. The concept is called transsubstantiation, and it is controversial among Christians. For example: Catholics believe in the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit utilizing token transsubstantiation during Communion (the bread and wine are LITERALLY his body and blood), whereas Protestants believe in direct transsubstantiation, that Jesus was literally God in a human body and Communion is performed as a symbolic gesture.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          Jesus, guns, babies! Come on, we just went over this. We even painted it on the side of the bus!

          • @cone_zombie
            111 months ago

            Sorry, I forget. Does it have to be in this particular order?

            • @BilboBargains
              111 months ago

              You need to make the baby before you start shooting and praying.

  • @[email protected]
    1111 months ago

    Kandiss Taylor Says Globes Are Anti-Flat Earth Brainwashing - Rolling Stone

    May 24, 2023Kandiss Taylor, a recently elected GOP District Chair in Georgia, claims the Earth is flat as a pancake and that Big Globe is trying to brainwash her. She also promotes conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the 2022 primary. She is a firm believer in the Flat Earth movement and a former failed gubernatorial candidate.


    Jesus fuck