According to a Russian news outlet, Alexei Navalny’s body is now in a morgue, but no post-mortem examination has yet been performed. The same media organisation also cites an inmate who described a “mysterious commotion” on the night before his death was announced.

  • @[email protected]
    427 months ago

    “Usually, the bodies of people who die in prison are taken straight to the Bureau of Forensic Medicine… but in this case it was taken to the clinical hospital for some reason,” he said.

    "They drove him to the morgue, brought him in, and then stationed two policemen in front of the door.

    “They might as well have put up a sign saying ‘something mysterious is going on here’.”

    Even Russians know Putin is up to something concerning Navalny. What a murderous asshole he is.

  • @taanegl
    7 months ago

    “Oh no, look. His bottom was full of sex toys and his hair, it colour purple. He die from being trans gay liberal. How ironic that the disease he would try to protect was what killed him in the end. We now hold monogamous, heterosexual hands - in hope he does not end up in hell - even though we know he will end up in the deepest pits of hell, unlike Putin, who will go to heaven, where he will sit on golden throne, next to Lenin and Alexander.”

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I suppose that historically, this sort of thing was kind of the norm for rulers. Oppose the king/emperor/etc, wind up in prison and/or dead. Lèse-majesté. The original meaning of treason.

      In Russia of 2024, at least there’s still the need to pretend; the government doesn’t feel the freedom to openly have political opponents killed.

  • theodewere
    57 months ago

    the warden appeared surprised, which might make sense… he wouldn’t have necessarily known there was a hit squad coming to his prison… although the guards did an early sweep and lockdown for some reason, and made sure to get any phones…