Under capitalism, it’s no surprise that billionaires are simply allowed to buy the media and propagandize whatever garbage ideology will make them the most money and increase their control of society. Even some liberals realize this, but they are so mentally conditioned to the viewpoints and news they have received throughout their life that they do little more than complain that billionaires should not own journalism companies. In the modern US billionaires even control the government so a state-owned media company is just a zionist bourgeois propaganda news network with extra steps, even if it provides the liberals with varying, diverse flavors of alt-right so they can find compromise between them. When people are being poisoned by liberalism and want you to drink the kool aid so you are not a threat to the establishment, what are we all supposed to think? The media and the politicians stay in power by gaslighting the entire society by taking focus away from real problems to whatever the next distraction is from the economic disasters and humanitarian catastrophes caused by liberalism. They worship billionaires and bring death and suffering to the world so that billionaires can become richer and exert more control over society and exploit us more efficiently, but anyone who speaks against their crimes is considered extreme and unreasonable.

Even the war crimes of bourgeois regimes and their puppets are painted in a positive light due to how extensive the propaganda system is. In extreme cases such as the genocide being committed against Palestinians right now, the media simply goes silent and moves the population on to the next distraction to prevent dissent from happening. Even during riots which are ultimately good for the masses because they teach them how to struggle and fight against the regime, the media constantly portrays the people’s self-determination and protest against oppression as antagonistic to living in a peaceful and happy society. Even when fireworks are thrown at police, the media immediately defaults towards siding with the police despite their reputation and known habits towards abusing civilians and minority groups.

Besides the actual news, Facebook and other social media censors any information regarding groups that fight against capital. Hamas is considered a dangerous organization by Facebook, but not Mossad or the United States military which has objectively killed more people throughout its existence. They even allowed neo-nazis fighting for Ukraine to be glorified because they wanted to guide popular support towards NATO and the US even if it meant violating their own rules and empowering Nazism. Even reliable sources such as Redfish news network are censored by the Europeans and Americans for being “Russian state media” and quite literally just get shut down by governments with no real justification.

As Lenin said, freedom of the press under capitalism means freedom of the bourgeoisie to buy writers, bribe, and fake public opinion for the benefit of the bourgeoisie. Freedom of the internet in the modern era also means the freedom of the bourgeoisie to censor and label as disinformation anything that damages their stranglehold of the working class. The masses need their own media, their own newspapers, and their own information network that is not corrupted by bourgeois interests and that is not vulnerable to meddling by the capitalist class. Form your own networks with the people you know and ideologically align with, and do not allow the zionist billionaires controlling the media to feed you their viewpoints or distort your understanding of the world.

  • @glimse
    48 months ago

    This community has evaded my blocklist so far simply because I didn’t quite understand what it was about and I found the mystery intriguing.

    But this is definitely the post to change that.

    Fuck the Israeli government, fuck billionaires, but also fuck this “Jews control the media” bullshit you’re peddling. You’re conflating two completely different things while sounding like a guest on Alex Jones’ show.

    • Charming OwlOPM
      8 months ago

      I never said Jews control the media. I said Zionist Billionaires do. I did not think these two things were related at all but apparently the community sees it that way.

      Also some Zionists are Christians or just atheists like the politicians that Israel bribes to support their interest, so Zionism does not automatically mean someone Jewish.

  • davel [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Why would you use such an antisemitic dog whistle title? How are you not aware of the antisemitic trope of the wealthy (((globalists))) controlling the media? You’re torpedoing your own argument by doing this.

    Yes, the capitalist class controls the media. And yes, in the imperial core the great majority of the capitalists are aligned with the settler-colonial Zionist project, as they are with all imperial core colonial projects. But to frame it in the way you have is counterproductive, and it will attract fascists.