Hi all,

It’s been pointed out to me by a couple of people that creating a new account on Lemmy can be a bit confusing. And that’s a great point.

So here are some instructions that will hopefully help newcomers.

In theory, you should be able to access this community via an account hosted on any Fediverse server that isn’t blocking lemmy.world. But for ease of use and quicker access, if you are fresh to the Fediverse, you can also just create your account right on this instance (lemmy.world) by going to the signup page.

You’ll need to provide the following information:

  • An available username.
  • Your email address.
  • A password that conforms to the password requirements (10 or more characters in length, but you should consider including valid special characters and a variety of numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters).
  • A valid answer to the basic CAPTCHA question that’s presented.

Once you’ve created and verified your new account, click on the “login” link under the hamburger icon in the top right corner, and log in with your new credentials. Then you can go to this community’s home page in a web browser, click/tap on “sidebar +”, and then “subscribe”. You can also discover and subscribe to other communities via the “communities” option on the hamburger menu. There are lots of great communities here already, so check them out once your are sorted with c/asoiaf.

There are several ways you can access Lemmy. One is via a web browser from the lemmy.world URL. Another is by using a mobile app like "Connect ", or a mobile web wrapper app like “Wefwef”. To install Wefwef on Android, browse to wefwef in a web browser, click/tap on the gear cog in the bottom right corner, and then on “install app” and follow the instructions on screen.

I’m sure I’m missing some details here or have good done a bit wrong, so others are welcome to correct or elaborate on these instructions.


  • Jen_Snow
    72 years ago

    This was helpful, thank you!

  • @TheStarkGuy
    72 years ago

    Glad to be here. Hopefully some more people make the jump. I think as long as Lemmy communities can last people will slowly trickle in. I sure hope this one lasts and I’m disappointed to see the r/ASOIAF community defend the admins so fervently.

  • Durrandon
    42 years ago

    Hey folks, I’m running a small Mastodon server of Twitteros refugees @3eyedcrow , I just started following this community from that instance here, so your post should start pooping up in our federated feed, so hopefully you will start seeing comments from some of our folk. Hopefully, the synergy helps us all out.