• @rdyoung
    327 months ago

    She is 100% correct. In the primaries vote for your dog or write in your kid if you want. In the big show however, any vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for fascism and at this point almost guarantees that we see at the very least an attempt to install a dictator in the next few decades.

    • themeatbridge
      07 months ago

      I agree completely.

      But the votes don’t belong to Biden. He must go and earn them, and if he doesn’t, that’s his fault. This was the same problem with Hillary. Being “not Trump” is sufficient to get my vote, but it is insufficient to get every vote necessary to win. If he doesn’t try harder to earn those votes, then he will lose and it will be his fault, not the voters who refused to support him.

      • Optional
        137 months ago


        So help me i will invent a time machine, go back and save Harambe and bring him here to run amok amongst you people.

        If you don’t vote for Biden you’re supporting trump. It’s dead simple. Forget why, forget what if, just stop it. We will not survive another trump attack. Ok?

        Change the system completely when trump is dead. Until then, stop fighting us and help push, goddamit.

        • themeatbridge
          07 months ago

          I agree, please do not fuck this up again. Hillary and the DNC fucked up big time in 2016, and we all paid a massive price. Biden seems to be fucking up, but I really hope he pulls his shit together for the election.

      • @Sylver
        67 months ago

        Now is NOT the time to be pedantic with our vote. It is ALL HANDS ON DECK. If Biden loses, I fear for the livelihood of so many friends and family members. We will not be put to death so ignorantly. A vote for Biden is a vote for keeping the rules of the game in play. A vote for Trump is a vote to destroy the system, game, and any semblance of hope that remains.

        • themeatbridge
          -17 months ago

          I agree with you, and I hope Biden starts doing more to convince people to vote for him. If he doesn’t, I’m not going to blame the people who didn’t vote for him.

      • @rdyoung
        -27 months ago

        He needs to earn them during the primary. If it’s him versus trump, everyone who votes for trump or kennedy or a pastafarian is directly responsible if/when trump wins and the right attempts to give us a dictator in the next decades.

        I’m all for an alternative to the establishment dems. Problem is that not enough people are out there helping an alternative candidate make their way up the ranks and gain the experience, connections and name recognition to win the big seat.

        The above said and to repeat. We need to not let perfect be the enemy of good. We need to collectively bite our tongue and vote Biden because the alternative is going to be 1000x worse than some people seem to imagine.

        If I have to decide between 4 more years of moving forward slowly while we repair the damage trump did and the maggats continue to inflict OR the centuries back that trumps masters want to take us along with the economy going to shit again, russia starting ww3, etc. I know which one I will choose. If you or anyone else reading this is still unsure or needs more time to think, not only are you the problem, you aren’t someone I want anything to do with.

  • Silverseren
    47 months ago

    Except this is about the primary. How is not voting for him in the primary matter? Honestly, the fact that the Democrat party in places like Florida just got rid of the primary so none of the challengers could be voted for is…dumb to me.

    I might hate most of the other people running, since they’re largely anti-vaccine pseudoscience conspiracy types, but people should still be allowed to vote in the primary.

  • Stern
    17 months ago

    Really tired of voting for merely less bad candidates

  • ReallyKinda
    -117 months ago

    You’re unprincipled if you refuse, on principle, to vote for an unprincipled guy

    • Optional
      107 months ago

      Can you be holier than thou later? Like, say, December-ish?

  • @aelwero
    -137 months ago

    "It’s important not to lose sight of the fact that any vote that’s not cast for Joe Biden supports a second Trump term,”

    God fucking damnit…

    I actually like whitmer, she seems to trend less partisan than most, but disparaging Biden does not make someone a fucking trump supporter…

    A typical trump supporter is a jonestown-esque cult member. It’s not someone who isn’t kissing Bidens ring.

    I’m sick as absolute fuck of the binary bullshit that you gotta choose red or blue… There’s a purple libertarian party, and if you’re really off kilter, there’s the greens… Just because they only pull 2% of the votes doesn’t mean they don’t exist, you’re still talking about millions of people.

    Biden is a puppet, his whole administration has their hands up his ass making his mouth move while they all do the actual talking. That doesn’t mean the Biden administration isn’t doing well, and it sure as fuck doesn’t mean trump is a good idea, but fuck Biden. Without supportimg trump, and without disparaging the way shits going…

    Stop buying this shit, and whitmer, you should be ashamed of propagating it

    • @cabron_offsets
      187 months ago

      I’m sick as absolute fuck of the binary bullshit that you gotta choose red or blue…

      Doesn’t matter. It’s still true in our system. You and I can pound sand. I choose to vote for Brandon, who will do far less damage to me and the rest of the world, over the alternative.

      You don’t have to like it. But reality will assert itself, no matter your opinion.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      147 months ago

      Criticizing Biden? Sure, fine. But at election time, she’s 100% correct that if you aren’t voting for Biden, you’re voting for Trump. There’s literally very little difference in the end result.

      In what way do you think she’s incorrect? Let’s say there’s two people running for something, with ten voters, and five people vote for Person A. If three people vote for Person B, but two people decide they don’t really like either candidate, so they don’t vote, they’ve just elected Person A. If Person A is a complete shit show, and Person B is closer to desired but has failings, it makes much more sense to vote for Person B. They might wish they had a better choice, but they don’t.

    • Optional
      127 months ago

      Is the FPTP “binary” choice bullshit? Yes. Are we going to fix it, and the electoral college, in six months? No.

      End of debate. Save the world or don’t.

    • @SinningStromgald
      77 months ago

      You don’t like it, in fact I think most don’t, including myself, but the truth is this is a two party system. And in this upcoming election, if you actually want to preserve any semblance of a democracy, as poor and shoddy as it might be, you vote for Biden. Any other vote just helps Trump by not helping Biden.

      • @aelwero
        27 months ago

        The very first presidential election I was eligible to vote in, one in six voters chose neither a Democrat nor a Republican.

        If you want to preserve any semblance of democracy, stop buying the snake oil. We absolutely can vote for neither, and I go back far enough to have seen 18% of the population go out to the ballots and prove it.

        • @SinningStromgald
          17 months ago

          What a bunch of shit. Perot didn’t get a single electoral vote. He had zero chance of being president. At best he might have helped Clinton by skimming some votes from Bush.

          Wallace is the next closest third party candidate that did anything of mention in the elections, he at least got some electoral votes, so is actually a better third party example. Should have been alive to vote for him.

          All other third party candidates that got electoral votes in recent history were faithless electors. So, no, I reject your call to “preserve democracy” by pissing my ballot away and possibly helping a fascist dictator get back into the oval office. Thank you.

    • @TIMMAY
      47 months ago
