Given the source I’m incredulous.
While corporations are out of hand greedy and trying stifling every genuine attempts with their pseudo solutions Bloomberg is also not on our side.
Not surprised. As a home builder who grew up using green building practices I have watched the industry take over code writing in CA much to the detriment of homeowners.
Product makers and industry leaders should not be writing building codes nor fighting the public on climate change but that’s what you get when you install incompetent pricks who paid for their campaign by catering to the industry to public office.
Must. Destroy. Planet. Get. Money. Be big man.
What would be great would be not building single family homes at all
No thanks. I mean I’m firmly in the build more apartments crowd but I want to own my own place with a yard.
I believe the term for that is NIMBY.
I believe the term is preference. I prefer to own a home. I don’t mind being neighbors with an apartment.
Yes! Cram everyone in apartments! People living on all sides is the dream! Who could possibly want land or space between them and neighbors!? Eliminate choice, push everyone into a box.
Um, did you forget that duplexes and town-homes exist?
Still not space or land
This, but unironically.