For example, Mystique being transgender and Morph being non-binary.

  • @mipadaitu
    287 months ago

    Did you not watch the 2000’s X-Men movies that were thinly veiled gay rights discussions?

    Or the original comics which were anti-religious persecution comics?

    Or the entire history of X-Men being treated like minorities targeted by conservative society and pulpit bangers?

    It’s literally the core of the comic.

    • NeuromancerM
      -167 months ago

      It really isn’t about conservative society. It’s about society in general. Stan lee was against intolerance which isn’t tied to any political platform.

      • PizzaMan
        167 months ago

        intolerance which isn’t tied to any political platform.

        Except for the GOP platform. Being anti gay, anti trans, etc is all wrapped up in it.

            • NeuromancerM
              -187 months ago

              That document seems to be corrupted. All I see is they want marriage to be defined as a man and a woman. I can’t copy and paste out of it for some reason, and I can’t even open it in a browser.

              Is that your earth-shattering evidence? That is from 2016, but it is the current platform. I suspect that will change as people really don’t care anymore.

              • PizzaMan
                7 months ago

                they want marriage to be defined as a man and a woman


                Is that your earth-shattering evidence?

                It crossed my mind to link more, but I knew you wouldn’t even be able to handle this one. Best to stick to one at a time, lest you ignore the rest as you often do.

                That is from 2016, but it is the current platform.

                If it doesn’t represent the GOP, then they shouldn’t have it on their site. They chose to keep it up because that bigotry hasn’t changed.

                • NeuromancerM
                  -157 months ago

                  I don’t see that as anti-gay. I fully support gay marriage but to me that’s a yawn

                • NeuromancerM
                  -137 months ago

                  While I don’t agree with their games. That’s a 1st amendment issue.

                  My view is as a government employee. Do your job and shut up.

                • NeuromancerM
                  -137 months ago

                  I think I get part of your malfunction now. You think all conservatives are socially conservative. I am not. I lean much more left on most social topics. I’m right with military, spending, etc.

                  I’m not religious. So the social Bible thumping conservatives I have little in common with.

          • @[email protected]
            57 months ago

            It’s the whole “campaigning specifically on attacking trans people and minorities” that kinda gives it away

  • Sabre363
    77 months ago

    Since when is Mystique trans?

    But more importantly, why should we care? People and society change, pop culture is nothing more than a reflection of that. As long the writing is good and the character is interesting, then maybe we should stop being so fucking concerned about the gender identity of completely fictional characters.

    • NeuromancerM
      7 months ago

      It appears it was a plot twist recently but can’t say that makes her trans. I don’t know how to do spoilers, so I’ll let you google it. It’s a change in the continuity

  • @TORFdot0
    17 months ago

    I don’t think about politics at all while watching movies. But I don’t make politics my identity either

  • NeuromancerM
    -107 months ago

    X-Men has always tried to talk about social issues.

    I haven’t read a comic since childhood, but it would be a natural progression for the X-Men.

    Comics were woke before woke was a thing but with a conservative twist.

      • NeuromancerM
        -117 months ago

        I don’t think so. I always thought it did a good job of it. I was never meant to be in your face woke crap. It was meant to enforce tolerance.

        Stan Lee was a jew, non-practicing but still a jew. He saw the horrors of WW2. I don’t know if that shaped his views on tolerance but I suspect it did.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Yeah, crawl over to truth social so you can stay in your nice comfy echo chamber. Wouldn’t want anyone rolling up on you with meaningful information or anything