Republican lawmakers in several states have resurrected and expanded the fight over whether transgender people may use bathrooms and other facilities that do not match their sex assigned at birth.

At least one bill goes so far as making it a crime for a transgender person to enter a facility that doesn’t match the sex listed on their birth certificate.

The debate has been popping up in statehouses across the nation in recent months, predominantly in conservative, rural states, including at a hearing of the Arizona Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee in February. Proponents of that state’s SB 1628, which defines “male,” “female,” and other terms through rigid definitions of biological sex, argued that women’s rights are at stake. Opponents disagreed and said the language would erase transgender people from state statute and remove legal protections.

  • Admiral Patrick
    707 months ago

    The debate has been popping up in statehouses across the nation in recent months, predominantly in conservative, rural states

    Proponents … argued that women’s rights are at stake

    Yeah, when I think of red states, “champions of women’s rights” are what come to mind /s.

  • @RattlerSix
    567 months ago

    Imagine if they actually spent time representing everyone instead of constantly picking a group and coming up with stupid ways to harass them.

    • @[email protected]
      167 months ago

      It’s abhorrent. Republicans are trying to criminalize trans people’s existence. It’s legislative genocide. They don’t want trans people to have employment protections, housing protections, let them go to the bathroom, let them have a proper ID and birth certificate, don’t want to give them healthcare, and won’t even let them play fucking sports in K-12 schools.

      • @RattlerSix
        117 months ago

        I’ll never understand their obsession with other people’s genitals

        • @800XL
          27 months ago

          It’s because every single one of them wants to wrap their lips and throats around the ones that stick out.

      • @fidodo
        47 months ago

        How often do they even encounter a trans person? They’re so obsessed with oppressing a minority that’s so small they probably almost never encounter them, let alone have any impact on their life.

      • fadingembers
        37 months ago

        Legislative is just the first step. They’re already compiling lists of our names.

    • Dizzy Devil Ducky
      117 months ago

      “But but but! They’re destroying our Christian America where only white, wealthy, Christians are allowed!”

      • Them, probably
  • @[email protected]
    367 months ago

    The state’s legislative fiscal analysts determined that $7.5 billion in federal funds were on the line in the first year, depending on how state agencies implemented the law and whether those actions were deemed violations of anti-discrimination laws. The bill passed regardless and was signed by Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte.

    It’s wild that they are willing to turn down $7.5 billion dollars in Federal funding just to pursue their discriminatory agenda.

  • @ABCDE
    317 months ago

    Who is checking/carrying birth certificates? Fucking bonkers.

    • @paddirn
      257 months ago

      Turns out when Republicans accuse Democrats of wanting a nanny state, they’re actually just projecting again.

    • @jeffwM
      247 months ago

      I’ll make the noble sacrifice of checking everyone’s genitals when they enter the men’s room to make sure they have a penis!

      • some GOP legislator probably
      • strawberry
        147 months ago

        mandatory penis inspection

        wonder why they’re so obsessed with peoples genitals tho 🤨

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      167 months ago

      I’m trans and I actually do carry a copy of my birth cert sometimes. If I don’t know how a certain area is going to react to me I bring it because I’ve had my gender marker changed. Fortunately never been in a situation where I’ve needed to show it to anyone but yeah the concern is real

  • @WaxedWookie
    297 months ago


    Is this freedom and small government?

  • @paddirn
    167 months ago

    Restrooms should all just be sexless/genderless anyways, why are they restricted in the first place? We’re all just doing gross stuff in there, regardless if you’re a man, woman, transgender or anything else on the spectrum. I’ve seen men that are the avatars of hygiene and meticulous about cleanliness and I’ve seen women that are absolute slobs and disgusting pigs, and I’ve seen the reverse. Anyone saying that any sex/gender is cleaner or more proper/trustworthy than the other one is being sexist. Just make one set of restrooms for everyone and fuck all this segregated restroom shit.

    • @fishpen0
      87 months ago

      This has become another rural vs city issue. In cities bathrooms have all been single toilet rooms forever, so removing the gender sign and making both or more restrooms genderless was easy. In many cases the diviest bars and venues never even had more than one toilet, so it’s always been this way. Newer construction just follows that and new bars and restaurants just have 10-12 individual bathrooms in a hallway somewhere.

      In rural areas bathrooms are huge rooms with a dozen stalls in the shitty American “walls don’t go to the floor and the door has two inch gaps” style. And there’s two whole different barhrooms full of toilets. Converting them to other formats is crazy expensive and a lot of people don’t see just letting people into both as an option.

      • @supamanc
        17 months ago

        What is it with the walls the don’t go all the way to floor and the 2 inch gap in the door?

  • theprogressivist
    147 months ago

    Waiting for Republicans to start a Restroom Taskforce to enforce these bullshit laws.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      If they start inspecting the genitals of people going into bathrooms they would have literally become the very perverts they were supposedly fighting.

      • @orclev
        107 months ago

        Are you assuming they aren’t already perverts? I don’t think that’s a very safe assumption. The P in GOP stands for projection.

  • SeaJ
    107 months ago

    This will certainly improve the lives of their constituents. /s