Hello /c/Parahumans. For this month, our creative abilities are set to the world of Worm & Ward once again. Let’s see what superpowers we can generate this time.

The goal of these gen threads is to have fun coming up with interesting ideas that could belong in this setting. As a side note, it seems Wildbow is about to begin his newest story soon. I’m wondering when would it be best to let it enter the rotation. Any thoughts?

  • @MonkmooOP
    27 months ago

    Blooper’s power can set up a device resembling an old timey film camera. The power may distort time for whoever the camera is pointed towards, thus allowing allies a few extra seconds to do stuff such as aim at their target or dodge an attack. However each extra second burns through the camera’s film reel and requires a long time to recharge.

  • southsamurai
    17 months ago

    Has anyone ever suggested necromancy before?

    The ability to not just puppet a dead body, which is essentially telekinesis, but bringing it into a sustainable state of activity while still controlling it. This would mean also controlling whatever powers the body had in life.

    I know that there was an obvious similar power in Glaistig Uaine, but they were more the ghosts of the powers themselves.

    Wildbow got pretty dark, so I’m surprised it didn’t come up in Worm. I’m still reading Ward, so it might be in there and I haven’t reached it yet.

    • @MonkmooOP
      17 months ago

      Worm did have Bonesaw, which is kinda close to a necromancer. She used tinker tech to resurrect Hatchet Face into a mindless powered minion.

      • southsamurai
        17 months ago

        Yeah, that’s true. Didn’t really think of her as an example of it because it was more “medical” than a direct power, but she did do that for sure.