Léon Gautier was famous in France as the last representative of the “Kieffer Commando”, the only French unit to take part in the Allied D-Day landings on Normandy beaches in June 1944. As the 80th anniversary of D-Day approaches, some are seeing opportunities for financial gain. His descendants have decided to seek legal assistance to prevent any abusive or commercial use of his image.

  • @[email protected]
    261 year ago

    The Kieffer Commando unit Gautier served in was part of the Free French Forces, but he is described in the faux biographies as having fought for the French Resistance.

    The books mention his captivity in Germany, but Gautier was never taken prisoner.

    The first of these “biographies” was published on July 5, 2023, just two days after Gautier’s death. The speed of publication suggests that it was generated by artificial intelligence software, which explains why so little care was taken to fact-check.

    Looks pretty high on the greedy asshole scale