Activists warn of ‘creeping restrictions on expression’ as bill forbidding schools from displaying flags is expected to clear senate
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Guns = What are ya gonna do? Pride Flags = Banned!
If you make it a crime to have flags, only criminals will have flags.
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a flag is a good guy with a flag.
Flags are a tradition passed down from fathers to their son.
Guns are banned in schools
Nah, oftentimes the school police officers are still allowed to have them to shoot the kids with. And don’t forget some states have tried to arm teachers.
"So the values that I think most parents want their children exposed to are the ones that were in existence at the time that our country was founded.”
Imagine a lawmaker unironically stating they want to undo all social progress since 1776.
Thank Christ I don’t live in Tennessee.
Like the social progress of removing firearms from modern society…
Don’t forget Abe “Woke” Lincoln and his ban on slavery.
But he wuz a repubcan. Dont u no that? It was demoncrat that want slavvery. Slavs wood be slavs 2day under Biden in civil war. Did u thank about that?
I think Slavs are still Slavs mate, I know a few good plumbers and roofers 😂
That not good. 😬
The really sneaky and shitty part of this bill is enabling private citizens to sue - the Supreme Court decided that this is a valid run around first amendment rights in Texas SB 8. Now Republicans are using this citizen enforcement in all sorts of stupid areas that otherwise would be subject to federal injunctions or review for first amendment violations.
Something tells me the stars and bars flag will not be a problem
So … They’re banning rainbows?
I can imagine the schools after it rains.
“Everyone away from the windows! Anyone who looks at that queer arch in the sky is getting detention!”
Think about how many levels of dumb this is. For instance (my very own pretend quotes): “rainbow flags contain bands of various colors. Therefore we are banning bands of various colors. We’re scared of colors!”
The US flag has various colours. Looks like that’s banned too: too close to the rainbow.
Lol imagine being offended by a flag. Fucking snowflakes.
Sorry class we were gonna be learning about refraction and the electrogmagnetic spectrum, but that is now forbidden knowledge.
The party of freedom…
On the upside, this should ban Confederate flags as well