Alabama lawmakers have passed a bill to protect in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) clinics and doctors from lawsuits and criminal prosecution. Last month, the state’s supreme court ruled that frozen embryos had the same rights as children, and people could be held liable for destroying them. At least three IVF clinics paused treatments in the wake of the ruling, which divided Alabama’s conservatives. The new law will allow the clinics to resume services.

  • @hperrin
    536 months ago

    Our religious zealotry caused us to come to a really stupid conclusion. Rather than reconsider our zealotry, we’re just going to pretend that that’s ok, and just kinda brush that cognitive dissonance under the rug.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    With the court decision that fertilized eggs are children doesn’t this mean that the legislators are making the murder of children legal?

    Note: The court is wrong, I’m just pointing out that it wouldn’t make sense to have a law that makes killing five year olds fine and the court said fertilized eggs have the same rights as a five year old so someone could get charged with ‘killing’ some fertilized eggs by dropping them.

    • @atx_aquarian
      6 months ago

      It’s exactly what it means. This has to be potential common ground that can help the “pro life” crowd see that their argument is an oversimplification. But I also think it’s a fragile situation. This just passed. It still has to survive court scrutiny, spread, and last long enough for a majority to continue to see it as sensible. I think then in it can be part of an argument that mere conception isn’t when a person suddenly exists. (And I know that’s all about choosing to engage the discussion on the terms of the “pro life” crowd; the “pro choice” argument isn’t contingent on the personhood status of an embryo but, rather, the right of the mother to choose what happens to her own body. But the “pro life” crowd either doesn’t seem to grasp or doesn’t more highly value that logic, so something like IVF might be like getting them to compare a mother’s weight to that of a duck to “realize” what’s really important to them, that she’s not made of wood.)

      • @CosmicTurtle
        146 months ago

        I feel like the court ruling was another example of a dog catching the car.

        Their rage and anger against abortion went so far that they didn’t realize that important services like IVF were going to be affected.

        The passage of this law, in some ways, clarifies the GOP position: good Christians want babies. Only sluts need abortions.

        They are making it legal to kill IVF eggs to satisfy companies. But by keeping the killing part quiet, they can still say they are pro-life to their voters.

        • @cmbabul
          46 months ago

          You and many others that have shared the same opinion that Roe v Wade is the dog catching the car. The problem is that this dog believes the creator of the universe told him to catch the car, they are never gonna see the error of their ways and about face

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      Because they are trying to pass laws that make no logical sense, where the only goal is to achieve an agenda no matter what. There’s no way the laws will ever make sense because the goal itself isn’t logical.

  • partial_accumen
    196 months ago

    At least three IVF clinics paused treatments in the wake of the ruling, which divided Alabama’s conservative

    The outcome was worse that just pausing. Because clinics didn’t have clear guidance about responsibility about fertilized eggs, clinics refused to release them to the prospective parents.

    As soon as this new legislation passes and the pause is removed, the smartest patients will immediately transfer their fertilized eggs out of the state and outside the control of these religious zealot lawmakers and state supreme court justices.

    • Flying Squid
      56 months ago

      You also can’t just pause IVF on an individual. It takes weeks or even months of planning.

  • @not_that_guy05
    186 months ago

    I don’t understand, isn’t it against God’s plan if you get an IVF? What if he doesn’t want you to have children and has done everything to prevent you from doing it.

    You are going against God’s plan.


  • @[email protected]
    96 months ago

    Thank GOD! Killing an Embryo inside the Womb is MURDER but killing an Embryo outside the Womb is A-OK!

    • Flying Squid
      46 months ago

      Not that I’m not relieved that they make rape exceptions (when they even do), but from their perspective, a rape exception also makes no sense. Abortion is murder and every life is precious unless it’s conceived in a rape?

  • Ghostalmedia
    16 months ago

    Who were the 13 people who voted against this?