Lemmy.world is now opening up a random porn advertisement and really weird post when I visit the home page. It continuously opened them and these links were not even on the main Lemmy world page I was on. After closing them they would open again. What the heck is this??? It reminds me of the pre update issues when the front page would be spammed with random new posts regardless of filters. Does it have anything to do with that?

In a public area this could have been really bad. Also why does it say Israel on the top of my page?? Is Lemmy broken or is it my browser? This hadn’t happened until now.

The main page that keeps appearing is called “lemon party” (won’t link url unless requested) with an explicit porn ad and there are some others as well. Basically making Lemmy world entirely unusable.

  • nosut
    121 year ago

    Admin account was compromised.

    • @kaxoraOP
      51 year ago

      You mean Ruud? What should be done now? What are the implications

      • nosut
        1 year ago

        MichelleG account it appears. Was removed from admin not long ago.

        • @kaxoraOP
          51 year ago

          I see. Thank you very much for the info. Hopefully the mess gets cleaned up soon. It’s such a weird thing for someone to do

          • nosut
            61 year ago

            Looks like its starting to be resolved.